Junior Adventures Group @ Avanti House HA7

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About Junior Adventures Group @ Avanti House HA7

Name Junior Adventures Group @ Avanti House HA7
Address Avanti House School, Tanglewood, Common Road, Stanmore, HA7 3JB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Harrow
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements The manager works hard to help children to feel safe, develop and flourish.

Young children have a designated key person. Staff provide a warm and inclusive environment for all the children who attend the club. They include children in decision-making, supporting children's confidence and self-esteem.

Staff act as excellent role models. Children enthusiastically remind each other of the group agreements of respect, to have fun, to tidy up the toys, to walk, and for 'kind hands and kind words'. Staff carefully plan the environment to meet the needs of all children who attend.

Children with special educational needs ...and/or disabilities receive strong support. Staff make adaptations to the environment to ensure they feel comfortable at the club. For example, by introducing a sensory tent for children who need to withdraw to a quiet space.

This helps children to feel relaxed and confident in their surroundings.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff provide children with a good balance of adult-led and children's choice activities. Staff sit alongside them and engage in conversation.

This helps to develop children's social interactions. Children develop good friendships. Older children consider the needs of younger children and include them equally.

Staff lead group games and provide opportunities for children to develop their physical skills. Children enthusiastically play ball games together. Staff provide a healthy snack that considers children's dietary and cultural needs.

They remind children to wash their hands before eating. They ensure that there are quiet places for children who need to rest or sleep.Staff supervise children well, for example they count the children when moving from room to room.

Leaders put effective procedures in place to ensure that children are handed over to a known adult. They check with the school if a child is late and make sure they are safe.The manager works well in partnership with the host school.

School staff accompany children to the club to share information about their day. The manager meets with the school special educational needs and/or disabilities coordinator to ensure consistency of care for the children who attend, and to enhance her own professional development. Staff use both daily verbal and electronic messaging systems to communicate with parents.

The manager is planning to extend this even further. Parents speak highly of the club.Staff have opportunities to enhance their skills through a thorough induction and regular training opportunities.

The manager reflects regularly on her practice so she can introduce improvements. She seeks the views of the children to involve them in decision-making about their club. The manager recognises that information on wider support services for families can be difficult to locate.

Even more can be done to build on the good support for families that is already in place.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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