KG Doodles

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About KG Doodles

Name KG Doodles
Address St John The Divine C Of E Primary School, Warham Street, London, SE5 0SX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Southwark
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive happy and excited to play with their friends at this well organised and friendly setting. The children, laugh, chat with each other and adults and share stories about what has happened during their day.

Children have close bonds with staff and show they feel safe and secure. Staff have a kind and nurturing attitude towards them, their close relationships foster children's confidence and well-being. Children know the routine well, they put their bags and coats away and sign in with a member of staff.

Children independently choose from a wide selection of activities and concentrate on completing tasks. For ex...ample, children spend time creating elaborate ice-cream cones with junk modelling resources. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well.

Staff make reasonable adjustments to ensure they enjoy and participate in all activities and experiences.Children behave extremely well. Children of all ages play and interact well together.

Older children support younger when they find tasks difficult. Staff always deploy themselves well to ensure excellent supervision of the children. They consistently check the numbers of children during the session.

Children have lots of opportunities to be physically active in the spacious outdoor enclosed area. They play running and ball games. Indoors, they complete jigsaw puzzles, and board games, relax and read books in the cosy area.

Staff develop good partnerships with parents. They ensure parents are provided with lots of useful information about the club.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The experienced provider is passionate and committed to offering high-quality, out-of-school care for children.

She is reflective and uses ongoing self-evaluation to plan priorities and areas to develop, to continually enhance the club and the experiences on offer.Staff take account of the children's individual needs and plan for children of different ages. Staff speak passionately about the children and how well they know their personalities.

Staff actively welcome and include children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, to participate in all activities and experiences. They hold regular discussions with class teachers about each child's welfare. This supports children's continuity of care.

Children of all ages are self-motivated and engaged during the club's session. Children form strong friendships and enjoy each other's company. Older children support younger children, as they tidy away their plates and utensils after eating.

Children are very well behaved and follow good routines.Children are confident to share their views and say, 'Their club is fun, they like playing with friends, and the staff are nice'. They enjoy doing arts and crafts and take their finished work home.

This helps children build on their creative and social skills. Older children would benefit from resources that challenge and enhance their creative skills even further.Parents comment 'that the club has been a life saver'.

They feel the staff are supportive, caring and that the club is a fantastic end to the school day. They say the homework club is a strength. Staff ask children's and parents' views on what they like to do during the session.

This informs future planned activities tailored to the interests of the children that attend.The provider and staff encourage the children to be highly independent. Children understand the importance of following good hygiene routines.

They talk about washing their hands before eating and discuss that germs are spread if they do not cover their mouths when they cough.Children's healthy lifestyles are promoted well. Staff prepare and provide a wide range of healthy, nutritious meals and snacks daily.

For example, children make pizzas for their tea, they choose from a selection of toppings, such as fresh tomato, cheese, tuna fish, cooked chicken. Water is always accessible. Mealtimes are sociable occasions, where children and staff come together.

Staff cater for children's dietary needs extremely well.The provider supervises and monitors staff practice effectively. Staff receive regular supervision sessions and appraisals, she identifies, targets and actions staff training needs.

This supports their professional development, knowledge, and skills relevant to their roles.The committed, dedicated staff operate well as a team and enjoy working at the club. They feel valued and inspired to provide the best possible care and make the club a fun, safe place to be.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider and her staff understand their responsibilities to safeguard children. They complete regular safeguarding training and are passionate about continuously updating their knowledge.

Comprehensive policies ensure that staff understand the different types of abuse and signs which children may show. The setting has clear recording and reporting procedures in place. The premises are secure and only known adults can collect children.

Staff carry out effective risk assessments indoors and outdoors to make sure they are kept safe. The provider follows robust safer recruitment procedures. She also regularly checks the ongoing suitability of staff working with the children.

Also at this postcode
St John the Divine Church of England Primary School

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