KOOSA Kids Breakfast, After School and Holiday Club at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Guildfor

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About KOOSA Kids Breakfast, After School and Holiday Club at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Guildfor

Name KOOSA Kids Breakfast, After School and Holiday Club at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Guildfor
Address St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, 155 Aldershot Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 8YH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy their time at this welcoming, well-run club.

They arrive happily after school and quickly settle into the daily routine. Children engage well in both planned activities and self-chosen play, such as Christmas crafts and construction. Children are happy and have strong social skills.

They readily greet visitors and talk about their experiences at the club and at home. Younger children dress up to be animals and take part in role play. They show staff and their friends, inviting more people to join in their games.

Children enjoy free-flow access to the outside where they enjoy playing football and cha...tting in groups. The club works closely with the host school, which has installed flood lights so that children have consistent outside access during the winter months. Children behave well, and are kind and respectful.

They show care and concern for others. For instance, older children eagerly take responsibility for helping their younger friends take turns, while playing board games. Staff are good role models.

They reinforce their expectations and the boundaries well. For example, children quickly recall the club rules during group time. They remember the importance of listening to each other and looking after themselves and their friends, including what to do in the event of a fire.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The senior team responsible for the overall management of the club is organised and professional. It has implemented an audit tool for ongoing self-evaluation to identify ways in which the service can be improved. The views of staff, children and parents are considered when creating plans for improvement.

The senior team has a good understanding of the requirements of the early years foundation stage. It ensures that these are met at all times.The well-established key-person system supports the youngest children effectively.

Staff ensure children settle well and interact with all staff and other children well. This supports their personal, social and emotional development.The club staff carry out daily risk assessments on the areas that are used by the club, such as the hall and playground.

This helps to ensure that any hazards to children are minimised and that children can play safely.Parents speak highly of the quality of service provided by staff. They say that they feel confident that their children are happy and safe while at the club.

Parents say that staff routinely help children with homework.Children enjoy a range of healthy snacks after they come into the club from their day in school. However, club staff do not fully support parents who wish to supply their own snack to understand the importance of a healthy, varied, after-school snack.

Partnerships with the host school and parents are well established to help meet the needs of children. There are robust systems in place to ensure there is a good flow of information between the club, school staff and parents. This shared approach to children's well-being ensures they receive continuity of care.

Children show a strong sense of belonging as they know where to access resources. For example, they have opportunities to relax and socialise with their friends, access construction materials, take part in craft activities or play outside.The senior management team supports staff members well.

New members of staff receive a thorough induction and quickly become confident in their role. Staff are encouraged in their professional development, and regular supervision helps them to reflect on their own practice.Staff provide a quiet and comforting space for children who wish to relax and rest after their school day.

For example, children take part in quieter activities, such as snuggling with blankets and cushions while reading books.Children of different ages sit with each other at snack times, providing a pleasant social occasion where they chat with their friends. However, staff do not always ensure there are enough seats available for the children.

As a result, some children have to carry chairs across the hall, while holding their snack, to ensure they have a seat.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a good understanding of child protection issues.

They know what procedures to follow if they have concerns about the welfare of a child. Staff have established good systems to closely monitor children's attendance and they record information about extracurricular clubs, absences and early school collections. The club supervisor has a good understanding of the legal requirements.

For example, she ensures that staff record accidents and incidents accurately. Staff undertake effective daily risk assessments to provide a safe and stimulating environment. The senior management team follows effective recruitment policies, and vetting procedures are in place to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children.

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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

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