KOOSA Kids Breakfast and After School Club at Crookham Junior School, Fleet

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About KOOSA Kids Breakfast and After School Club at Crookham Junior School, Fleet

Name KOOSA Kids Breakfast and After School Club at Crookham Junior School, Fleet
Address Church Crookham Junior School, Oakwood, Church Crookham, Fleet, Hampshire, GU52 8BW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children excitedly enter the club after a busy day at school.

They are confident and self-assured and show respectful bonds with all members of the team. Staff make good use of the risk assessment process to ensure that all areas are safe for children to play and explore. Children behave well.

They are fully aware of the rules for good behaviour and how to share and interact with other children. The key-person system in place helps the youngest of children to settle quickly into the normal routines. Staff carefully observe and support children to help them to build a strong sense of belonging and emotional well-being.
Children use their independence skills to serve themselves snack and enjoy the task of washing up their plates and cups when they are finished. Children have opportunities to play both indoors and outdoors and this helps them to have access to fresh air and space to move around. However, staff do not make the best use of planning for the outdoor environment to entice and capture the engagement of all children.

Children choose from a wide variety of resources that helps them to be creative and imaginative. For instance, children write stories together and make up their own games. They use material and pegs to create their own 'den' and this also provides them with time away from the busy areas of the club if required.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and managers support all staff members well. New members of staff receive a thorough induction into all processes they need to follow. Staff receive a focused approach towards their professional development and consistent supervision helps them to reflect on their own practice.

Partnerships with parents are effective. They are fully included in their child's enjoyment at club from the very beginning. Staff seek information on children's likes and dislikes and use this to plan activities and opportunities to capture their interests.

There are successful partnerships in place with the schools that children attend with daily feedback being prioritised and shared. The headteacher of the school in which the club is situated, has a high regard for the professional way in which the club is run and monitored by the owners and the leadership team.Staff are good role models, who show children respect and use consistent boundaries to help children to understand their expectations.

Children are kind, patient and show high levels of empathy. Older children enjoy reading the younger children stories and also help them to use toys and resources to build on their skills.Children enjoy playing in the outdoor areas to help them to release energy and enjoy the fresh air and space to run around.

However, staff do not make the very best use of their planning to entice and captivate all children to engage in this environment.Staff support children's communication and language well. Children engage in deep conversations with team members who enjoy hearing about their adventures at home or what they have done at school that day.

Children have access to many information books and stories. For example, they find out interesting facts and become enthralled as they read about different kinds of snakes and reptiles.Leaders and managers use a good process to evaluate all areas of the club.

They value the comments of the parents and the staff in helping to identify areas for change. However, they do not involve children fully in this process to capture their own ideas and suggestions of things they would like to add to their experiences.Children enjoy problem-solving together and show an understanding of working in partnership with others and taking turns.

They show high levels of engagement and concentration as they play board games together and use large dominoes to work out number sequences.Younger children use their imaginative skills as they pretend to make 'dinner' in the home corner. They use their real-life experiences in their play and enjoy playing with the dressing-up clothes, creating and acting out various characters of their choices.

Staff provide children with time to play together and do not interrupt unnecessarily. This helps children to build on their own self-reliance and confidence in building their peer friendships.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Every effort is made to ensure that children and families feel safe and secure in the environment. The whole team are trained and vigilant around safeguarding and understand their responsibility to continually keep children safe. They are confident in how they would identify potential signs of abuse.

All staff understand the policies and procedures and what to do if they are concerned for the safety of a child. All areas are secured with locked doors and gates to keep children safe at all times. Recruitment procedures are robust to ensure the suitability of all staff who work directly with the children.

Also at this postcode
Church Crookham Junior School

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