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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children gain huge benefits from being in the care of an exceptional staff team. All children have the very best support for their learning from inspirational staff, who have extremely high aspirations for children. Children are excited to start their day.
They enjoy the company of their friends as well as time playing and learning on their own. Older children show exceedingly high levels of self-control and respect for others. Young babies and toddlers play alongside one another harmoniously.
There is an extremely happy home-from-home atmosphere in all rooms. Babies learn to pull themselves up to stand and staf...f and other children clap, cheer and recognise each other's achievements. The happy atmosphere is completely infectious.
Children know the routine of the day and enthusiastically get ready to go outside. They thoroughly enjoy the regular trips to local parks. Babies are extremely content to sit with their key persons on a blanket as they sing songs and eat their healthy snacks.
Toddlers have a fantastic time as they play games made up by staff. For example, they laugh as they ask, 'what is to eat' and run away if the food staff name is not healthy. Older children make an obstacle course with the staff and show great problem-solving skills as they decide where different equipment should go.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff report that they receive high levels of support for their well-being. Leaders engage effectively with staff through supervisions and set focused actions for their professional development. There are strong shared values between leaders and staff.
This is evident through the quality of practice, which ensures that children receive the highest quality of education.Children and staff sit and eat together. Healthy food is prepared daily and children eat heartily home-made dishes.
Staff model how to use cutlery and support children's lively conversations. They discuss healthy eating as well as the benefits of exercise. Staff also teach children about oral hygiene, supporting them to brush their teeth after lunch.
Children develop a positive attitude to food and they behave courteously at the table.Staff have an excellent understanding of what each child knows and needs to learn next. They use this information to plan exciting activities that engage and inspire the children.
Children make exceptional progress. Staff are superb role models and aim for every child to achieve their full potential.Leaders respect the varied backgrounds and experiences of staff and children.
Staff plan engaging, high-quality experiences to help children learn about the diverse world in which we live. For example, children learn about Chinese writing using ink and brushes. Meaningful learning takes place to support children to understand the different ways of living across the globe.
For example, children learn how the nursery organisation supports the education of children in other countries. Children sponsor a small school in Malawi and learn about the differences in their nursery and that of those in other situations.The provider and the manager are extremely enthusiastic and their dedication and commitment is inspirational.
The manager continually evaluates and monitors the effectiveness of the provision, staff practice and children's progress. For instance, staff have completed specific training to support the needs of two year olds. This has benefited children to be more confident in their chosen play.
Staff's relationships with parents and external agencies are highly successful in supporting inclusion. They provide outstanding support for children whose starting points are lower than those typical for their ages, and for those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Any gaps in children's learning and development are identified quickly and close rapidly.
All children make wonderful progress.Staff recognise the importance of promoting children's language and literacy. Children energetically sing and dance to familiar songs and delight in sharing stories with staff.
Babies understand that words carry meaning as they babble and make sounds, in response to staff who talk to them. Older children speak with increasing confidence and fluency. They use print to identify letters and the sounds they represent.
Leaders provide highly effective training and support to enhance staff practice and encourage the best possible outcomes for children. Specific training such as supporting children's social and emotional development and, supporting the unique needs of babies, enables key persons to provide a highly tailored curriculum. This ensures children's individual needs are fully met.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders and staff have an excellent understanding of the possible signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect. Staff's knowledge of a wide range of safeguarding concerns, including the risks to children of exposure to extreme views, is exceptional.
Managers and staff know how to act swiftly to report any concerns or allegations about adults who may be a risk to children. They regularly attend training and complete courses online to make sure their knowledge is up to date. Furthermore, there are excellent procedures for the safe storage of staff mobile phones, and these are placed in a locked box on arrival to the nursery.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.