Kelly & Kids

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About Kelly & Kids

Name Kelly & Kids
Ofsted Inspections
Address 1 Porchester Close, Milton Keynes, MK3 6FF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority MiltonKeynes
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is outstanding • Since opening the nursery, the provider has enthusiastically embraced the advice, guidance and suggestions of an external consultant. The provider has extremely high expectations of what children can achieve. She has completely reviewed the quality of her provision and strives to offer the very best quality of provision for children and their families.

The nursery's practice is worthy of dissemination. • The provider gives exceptional priority to training and developing her staff. As a consequence, the happy staff team feel inspired by new ideas, they feel valued for their contribution and are totally focused and committed to their role.

... Staff provide an impressive range of rich, sensory experiences that enthuse and excite children to learn. For example, children become absorbed and highly focused learners who enjoy exploring green glittery slime containing googly eyes and concocting play dough with their choice of colour, smell and texture. • Children make extensive use of technology in their everyday play, taking photographs with real cameras and exploring natural items on the light table.

They use real calculators to explore numbers or as imaginary mobile telephones that need 'charging' before they can 'contact the doctor'. • Staff offer a truly enabling environment for children. Everything is accessible and children help themselves to a vast range of safe resources to support their imaginative play.

For example, a child enjoys mixing tinned carrots, tomatoes and oats in the 'mud kitchen sink' before proudly serving 'dinner' to his friends and visitors. • Staff are highly skilled in extending children's language and have an excellent understanding of how to successfully support children to make rapid progress. They continually adapt and re-present activities to follow children's emerging interests and extend their learning.

This helps children to become self-motivated and independent youngsters who show the characteristics of effective learning. • Parents speak very highly of the nursery and especially value the electronic system of sharing information about their child's learning. They state that 'staff are loving and caring' and 'my child has such a bond with them and he is always so excited to come'.

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