Kiddi Caru Nursery

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About Kiddi Caru Nursery

Name Kiddi Caru Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Gull Coppice, Whiteley, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 7LA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is inadequate

There is poor oversight of the nursery from senior leaders in the organisation. Significant weakness in safeguarding policies and procedures do not promote children's welfare. Staff, including those who are designated safeguarding leads, have a poor knowledge of safeguarding, including how to escalate concerns and manage allegations about staff.

Furthermore, where managers work with other professionals to meet children's welfare needs, this is not shared effectively. Consequently, those who take lead roles in safeguarding and deputise for the manager in her absence, do not have the information they need to ensure children...'s welfare, including details of other professionals involved with children or their families.Those who make up the management team are new to their positions and receive ineffective support to fulfil their roles and responsibilities.

Staff supervisions are poor. Consequently key information about children is not shared, to enable staff to have a complete picture of children's needs. Furthermore, staff practice is not suitably monitored or supported.

Teaching is weak. Although sufficient staff work at the setting, the key-person approach is ineffective. At times, children, including those who are new to the setting, do not benefit from establishing the secure relationships they need with key staff.

This leads to some children becoming upset and distressed. That said, staff do offer children comfort and reassurance.The manager has a clear understanding of what she wants children to achieve, including a focus around communication and language, since the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, this is not communicated or understood by staff. Staff do not sufficiently understand, plan and implement an effective and motivating curriculum, or demonstrate high-quality interactions. Too often staff provide activities that offer little impact on children's learning.

This means that children are often not sufficiently engaged and supported to make the best possible progress and develop skills for future learning. This includes children in receipt of funded early education, and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.Staff help children to learn about appropriate behaviours.

They encourage and model social skills, such as using good manners, and children are learning to share and take turns, overall. Staff encourage children's independence. For instance, younger children learn how to push their arms through coats as they get ready to go outside.

Older children take pride in helping to put out cutlery and plates for their friends at lunchtime.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff safeguarding knowledge is poor. Staff, including those who take lead safeguarding roles in the setting, have a poor knowledge of the policies and procedures for referring concerns.

The manager has failed to identify the lack of knowledge of staff. Furthermore, key information about children is not shared effectively to enable staff to have a complete understanding about other professionals involved in children's care. This does not promote children's safety or their well-being.

There have been recent changes to those who take lead roles in the nursery. The manager and her deputy are new to their roles. The manager does not receive the coaching, supervision and support she needs to fulfil her roles and responsibilities.

The manager has identified some weakness in the setting and is committed to addressing these. However, she often works in rooms covering staff absence. This hinders her ability to oversee the management of the nursery and to take swift action to identify and address significant weakness across the provision.

Staff do not receive regular coaching, supervision or support in their roles. The lack of supervisions for staff means that they do not have the opportunities to share information about their key children, their workloads or training needs. This leads to poor sharing of information for key staff to support children's well-being.

Senior leaders do not evaluate how effective the teaching is or recognise weaknesses in staff knowledge of the curriculum. Therefore, children, including those in receipt of additional funding, are not supported in the most appropriate ways by staff.Key-person systems are ineffective.

This is because staff who take lead roles in the rooms, have the key-person role for all children in the rooms. Staff are not able to establish their relationships with children in their key-person role, due to other responsibilities they have. Some staff say they feel overwhelmed with their workload, including the number of written observations and assessments they make.

Staff do not know enough about their children, or have sufficient time to build relationships with them, to enable them to tailor care and learning needs effectively. This has an impact on children's emotional well-being and the progress they make.The curriculum devised by the manager is not well known or implemented by staff.

Although children are provided with a range of activities which engage them in some learning. Too often staff do not consider how activities are planned or provided to support what children need to learn or to be able to do next. Furthermore, staff do not use activities they provide to build on children's learning.

For instance, staff provide children with magnetic rods to fish for emotion cards, with the intention of teaching children about their emotions and those of their friends. However, staff do not use this opportunity to talk to children about their emotions. Consequently, learning is incidental.

As a result, children have too little direction and do not make the progress they are capable of. This has a greater impact on children who are behind in their development and those who have additional needs.Staff help children to learn about the wider world, the community they are part of and celebrate children's cultures.

For instance, children who speak dual languages are able to chose books to share with parents at home, to enable an early enjoyment of reading to be supported for all children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

The provision is inadequate and Ofsted intends to take enforcement action.

We will issue a Welfare Requirements Notice requiring the provider to: Due date ensure that persons with governance and oversight understand their roles and responsibilities 02/04/2024 ensure all staff receive training about the safeguarding policy and procedure, so that they gain a confident understanding of how to recognise and respond to any concerns about children in a timely manner 02/04/2024 ensure that the lead practitioners for safeguarding understands and implements an appropriate policy and procedure that is in line with the guidance of the local safeguarding partnership, with specific regard to managing any allegations against staff 02/04/2024 implement regular supervision and support for the manager to develop their skills and confidence to fulfil all requirements of their role 02/04/2024 improve staff supervisions to identify training needs and put in place coaching and support to raise the quality of teaching 02/04/2024 ensure that an effective key-person system is implemented to help tailor the care needs and enable children to build secure relationships.02/04/2024 To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date devise and implement a curriculum that supports every child's learning and development in all areas.


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