Kids Kabin, Mundella

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About Kids Kabin, Mundella

Name Kids Kabin, Mundella
Address Mundella Primary School, Mundella Place, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S8 8SJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Sheffield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Early years children thoroughly enjoy attending Kids Kabin, Mundella. They are happy to be collected from their classrooms by staff at the club. Upon arrival, children clearly know the routine and place items such as their coat and water bottle in the correct location.

Behaviour is excellent. Children develop a strong understanding of the rules and expectations of the club. Excellent use is made of snack time to reinforce this and remind children of what they need to do if they have finished playing with a toy or resource.

For example, children join in with saying phrases, such as, 'Choose it, use it, put it away'. The coo...rdinator and her staff team set up the room well, ready for children to access after their day in school. Activities and experiences provided for children take full account of their interests and views.

For example, staff bring out the 'conversation chair' while children have their after-school snack. This is used highly effectively to gather children's thoughts and ideas about the type of activities they would like to have. Children have access to board games and are excited to join in and take part.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff provide a stimulating environment for children. They set up areas for different activities and a quiet space for children to enjoy and rest in if they need to. Effective strategies are in place to help children to take turns with equipment.

For instance, children use a five-minute sand timer when they play on the electronic game.Strong partnerships with teachers in the host school are in place. The coordinator and staff share high-quality information about children and provide activities that complement the skills children learn in school.

Effective settling-in procedures are in place. Children visit the club prior to starting with their parents and carers, and good-quality information is shared with staff. This helps to provide children with activities they enjoy and ensures any information, such as children's medical needs, are continued and maintained.

Children's excellent behaviour is evident from the outset. Children immediately respond when the coordinator gathers the attention of the whole group before she completes the attendance register. This supports children's safety throughout the session.

Children's good health is given high priority. Staff ensure children wash their hands prior to having snack. They provide a wide range of fresh, healthy food, including fruit, for children to independently access and enjoy.

Children's views are continually sought on the range of foods provided to ensure their tastes and preferences are catered for.Staff are energetic and enthusiastic; they clearly enjoy spending time with the children. Younger children are supported very well when they play games with their older peers.

Staff ensure children continue to have an active part in games to maintain their engagement. For instance, when children move off the games mat, they take turns to spin the board.Staff are supported well, overall, to continually improve their skills and knowledge.

They access training, share ideas among the staff team and benefit from appraisal meetings and effective induction. The coordinator recognises the staff team could be supported even further by regularly observing them interacting with children.Children are supported to develop their understanding of fundamental British values.

They take an active part in decisions that are made at the club and are helped to appreciate the diverse world in which they live.Effective self-evaluation is evident. The coordinator is supported very well by the provider to reflect upon the club and identify ways they can improve even further.

The staff team has recently changed. The key focus at present is on building relationships and helping new staff to develop confidence in their roles.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The coordinator and staff team have a good knowledge of child protection issues. They know who to contact to share any concerns they may have about a child in their care. Staff have regard for the 'Prevent' duty guidance and know what signs or symptoms may indicate a child is at risk.

The after-school club room is safe and secure. Effective systems are in place to manage the school gate when parents come to collect their children. Staff monitor parents as they access the gate through an intercom.

Also at this postcode
Mundella Primary School

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