Kids Planet Crewe

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About Kids Planet Crewe

Name Kids Planet Crewe
Ofsted Inspections
Address 110 Sydney Road, CREWE, CW1 5NF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority CheshireEast
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

An inspiring and innovative learning environment has been created by the staff and leadership team.

Children are highly engaged, thrive and learn exceptionally well. For example, children observe the process of chicks hatching and then make observational drawings and dough models of them. They readily demonstrate what they have learned.

For instance, children explain to the inspector with excitement the awe and wonder of this experience. An extensive range of natural and real-life resources ignite children's curiosity, investigative skills and critical thinking. Staff share a deep understanding of the setting's ...well-designed curriculum.

This clear vision ensures staff provide learning opportunities based on individual children, what they know and need to learn next. The extensive settling-in procedure allows staff to spend time getting to know the children, their previous experiences and their families. Staff have high expectations for all children.

Consistent strategies promote children's excellent behaviour. Cosy areas have been created to support children to manage their feelings and to help them develop an understanding of their emotions. Staff are superb role models.

Their nurturing and empathetic approach supports children to be courteous and respectful. Children develop extremely positive relationships with staff and show care and kindness to their friends. All children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, are supported exceptionally well.

Leaders closely monitor progress to ensure any gaps in learning are identified and swiftly narrowed. Partnerships with parents and other professionals help to ensure all children reach their full potential.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The dedicated and well-qualified team of staff work incredibly hard to ensure they provide a high-quality, inclusive setting.

There is a strong emphasis on staff development. Staff receive extensive coaching to support any gaps in their practice. Some staff have recently attended a baby massage course to help to support their 'mindful moments' programme which encourages calmness and self-regulation.

This programme significantly enhances children's emotional well-being.Staff are excellent communicators. They model language and extend children's vocabulary extremely well.

Staff skilfully ask children questions and provide time for them to respond. All children's contributions are valued and they are encouraged to listen to each other. Children demonstrate a love of books.

Babies cuddle up with staff members and enjoy interactive stories, while toddlers go on a 'bear hunt' in the garden. Children become highly involved as they listen and contribute to stories. This is evident as older children extend their outside play into 'Peter Rabbit's garden'.

They use real fruit and vegetables to enhance their own play ideas and make a den out of material for the burrow. Children develop excellent critical thinking skills as they build on their creativity and imagination.Physical development is promoted exceptionally well.

Children gain an excellent understanding of the importance of healthy lifestyles through routines and activities. For example, through physical activities, staff teach children about the importance of raising their pulse rates and getting out of breath. Children are offered a healthy, nutritious diet that meets their requirements.

All staff are kept well informed about children's allergies and intolerances. Detailed care plans are in place and stringently followed to ensure the safety of all children. Parents compliment the 'first-class setting' for the excellent support and guidance with regards to allergies.

Staff teach children about different cultures in many innovative ways. They have regular culture weeks, food tasting, stories and multicultural resources. Staff support children who speak English as an additional language extremely well.

They have introduced family albums in which parents record key words to support their children's first language. Children also enjoy singing 'hello' songs in different languages. Staff take children on trips out into the community.

These trips include regular visits to the library to choose books for their friends. Through these exciting experiences, children also learn to be respectful and learn about the similarities and differences between themselves and others.The views of parents given on the day of inspection are extremely positive.

They praise staff for embracing children's individuality, being caring, nurturing and providing the best care for their children. Staff foster highly effective strategies to engage and involve parents in their children's learning. They create bags to help support children's learning at home.

Each bag contains resources and activities to provide a variety of learning opportunities. For example, one bag includes the ingredients to make 'chocolate slime'. Staff share information with parents in a wide variety of ways, and parents comment that 'staff go above and beyond in all they do'.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff undertake regular safeguarding training to keep their knowledge up to date. They have an excellent understanding of how to keep children safe from abuse and neglect.

Staff are confident in the procedures to follow if they are concerned about a child. Their knowledge of wider safeguarding concerns is excellent. This includes protecting children from extreme views, county lines and breast ironing.

Risk assessments and procedures for the recruitment of staff are robust. These help to ensure staff remain suitable for their role with children. The leadership team carries out a thorough induction process to ensure that each new employee understands its expectations to meet high standards.

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