Kids Planet Shrewsbury

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About Kids Planet Shrewsbury

Name Kids Planet Shrewsbury
Ofsted Inspections
Address Battlefield Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 4AN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Shropshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision requires improvement There have been some changes to management since the last inspection. Areas in practice that need to be improved have been identified by managers and are starting to be addressed.

However, some weaknesses still remain. The quality of teaching throughout the nursery is variable. Although staff involve themselves in children's play, activities and experiences planned for some children do not meet their current learning needs.

This means that children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) do not always make the progress they are capable of. Despite these weaknesses children readily engage... in their self-chosen play. They make choices, freely moving between the indoor and outdoor learning environment.

Pre-school children develop their imaginations as they work together using crates to build a pretend house in the garden. Toddlers enjoy engaging in sensory play exploring the texture of sand, water, and cornflour. Babies practise their newly acquired walking skills, responding with pride when staff praise them for this.

Most children appear happy and settled at the nursery. However, weaknesses within the key-person system negatively impact on some children's confidence and emotional well-being. Having said this, children learn to behave well.

Staff act as good role models and offer children age-appropriate reminders. This helps children to learn what is expected of them.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff plan a range of interesting activities and experiences that children readily join in with.

There is a balance of adult-led and child-initiated play. However, staff do not always consider what children need to learn next when planning activities or engaging in children's play. For example, staff support children engaging in a messy play activity.

Children remain engaged with this and play happily alongside their friends. However, staff supporting the children do not know why this activity was planned. Therefore, they are unable to focus their support where children may need it most.

This impacts on the amount of progress children can make in their learning.The key-person system is not implemented effectively across the nursery. Some staff know children well and support their emotional needs.

For example, staff in the baby room sing to children as they change their nappy. This helps them to feel safe and settled. However, staff working with older children are not always aware of who takes on the responsibility of the key person role.

This means that some children do not benefit from forming settled relationships with familiar adults. In addition to this, children who are new to the setting or have recently moved rooms do not have their key person present to help support their needs. This results in some children becoming unsettled and upset.

Children benefit from a range of opportunities to develop their physical skills. Children of all ages thoroughly enjoy spending time outdoors. They develop their confidence as they practise climbing, balancing, and negotiating space on wheeled toys.

Staff encourage children to develop their independence skills. Toddlers and pre-school children confidently pour their own drinks at mealtimes and use the water stations in their rooms throughout the day. Children learn to manage their own toileting needs and understand the importance of washing their hands after using the toilet.

Managers and staff are committed to supporting children with SEND. They work closely with parents and other professionals to ensure additional funding is sought and used to provide children with one-to-one care where needed. However, the weaknesses in the overall curriculum also impact on the progress these children are able to make.

Parents spoken to on the day of inspection explain that they are generally happy with the service provided. They express that their children enjoy attending. Parents say the staff are kind and caring.

They receive information about their children's care and learning via the online app and through daily discussions. However, some parents feel less informed about changes in staffing and who their child's key person is.Leaders and managers provide ongoing supervision meetings for staff.

They identify training courses that may benefit staff, such as recent behaviour management training. However, these are not always focused on helping staff to improve on their teaching skills. As a result, weaknesses still remain in the quality of teaching.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date ensure all staff understand the curriculum intent and implement this to help children make good progress in their learning and development 27/06/2024 ensure there is an effective key-person system in place to ensure children are able to build settled relationships with familiar adults and form relationships with their parents 13/06/2024 improve the transition arrangements for children who are new to the setting or move to a new room to ensure all children's emotional needs are met 13/06/2024 provide staff with effective support and coaching to help them improve their teaching skills to at least a good level.


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