Kids R Us

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About Kids R Us

Name Kids R Us
Ofsted Inspections
Address 881 High Road Leytonstone, LONDON, E11 1HR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WalthamForest
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision requires improvement Children generally arrive happy to nursery. They wave goodbye to their parents and settle quickly.

Parents of children who have been attending the setting for some time express they are happy with the care and learning experiences their children receive. However, parents and babies new to the nursery do not always have their routines and interests fully considered prior to settling into nursery. This means that planning for babies' care and learning is not assured.

Therefore, transition arrangements into nursery are not robust in developing secure key-person partnerships.Children are generally supported to develop many va...luable skills. Staff mostly track children's progress and understand what needs to happen next to support their learning.

However, the planning of learning experiences is not always measured at the right level. Some activities are too challenging and do not meet the needs of all children successfully.Younger children are not always able to fully explore learning experiences.

This is because staff do not plan the curriculum and environment consistently to ensure they are always fully inclusive. For example, when younger children want to engage in water play experiences, they cannot reach comfortably. This hinders their enjoyment and opportunities to learn.

Children are supported to develop positive behaviours. They are learning how to share and take turns and how to stay safe as they play in the garden. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive the support they need to make progress.

This is because staff work with their parents and outside professionals. This helps to ensure appropriate early interventions.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider has worked closely with the new manager to make improvements since the last inspection.

The environment is now safer with improved risk assessments. This includes clearer oversight of hygiene measures to promote children's welfare. Staff deployment is more effective in making sure children are always appropriately supervised.

However, the systems to monitor the key-person arrangements and the oversight of the curriculum and quality of teaching are not consistent. As a result, the quality of education is variable.Despite weaknesses in oversight, staff express they feel well supported.

They share they are happy in their work and feel valued. Staff appreciate the support they receive to gain professional qualifications. Since the last inspection, staff have attended training to support positive behaviour management strategies.

The impact can be seen as children respond well to staff's guidance and support.Children's self-esteem is boosted as staff praise them for their polite behaviours.Although the manager and some of the staff team are confident to talk about an ambitious curriculum, this is not consistently understood by all staff.

The impact is that some planned learning experiences are not age-appropriate for children. For example, learning intentions for two-year-olds are unrealistic. They are asked to find hidden letters in a sensory play experience.

They are encouraged to see if they can find the first letter of their name. This is not helpful in supporting children's progress or providing them with a sense of achievement.Older babies who are mobile enjoy learning experiences to support them in developing their creativity and finer manipulative skills.

For example, they make marks with crayons and enjoy filling containers with pasta as a sensory experience. However, planning for the youngest babies is not always effective. This is because staff do not consistently plan an accessible range of learning experiences to support them to explore and develop their curiosity.

Despite this, babies enjoy lots of cuddles and warm interactions. Staff encourage their early communication skills through singing and talking.Older children develop their independence skills.

They independently access learning experiences and can initiate their own play. They enjoy serving food at mealtimes, learning to take responsibility for their environment as they tidy away their plates and help to keep the environment clean. They understand the importance of washing their hands before eating food.

This supports them in developing a positive attitude towards their learning.Children enjoy being outside as they engage in many physical challenges. They learn to balance and develop their coordination skills as they ride bikes and learn how to use bats and balls to play games.

Children also enjoy quieter learning experiences when playing outside. They enjoy sharing books with staff and engage in mark-making experiences. Children particularly enjoy staff engaging in their imaginary play.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a clear understanding of their role and responsibilities in keeping children safe. They confidently discuss the nursery safeguarding procedures.

They know the processes to follow should they have concerns about a child's welfare. Staff understand whistle-blowing procedures and how they would report concerns to appropriate outside agencies. Managers ensure all staff attend regular safeguarding training and revisit this topic during staff meetings.

The provider has secure recruitment procedures in place to help ensure staff are suitable to work with children. The chef is clear on her responsibilities in managing children's individual dietary requirements, including the oversight of children with allergies.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date strengthen key-person arrangements to help ensure children are supported to feel settled and to become familiar with the setting, and for key persons to build relationships with parents 20/10/2023 review and improve the planning of the environment and equipment, to ensure all children can explore learning experiences independently and comfortably 20/10/2023 ensure the implementation of the curriculum is effective in providing children with appropriate challenge and learning experiences suitable to their age and stage of development.


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