Kids R Us Fulbourn

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About Kids R Us Fulbourn

Name Kids R Us Fulbourn
Address Fulbourn Primary School, School Lane, Fulbourn, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB21 5BH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Cambridgeshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are extremely settled in the friendly and welcoming environment.

Staff are exceptionally kind and have developed secure relationships with all children in the club. New children settle very quickly. Children are highly confident and independent.

They select activities on their own and tell adults what they would like to do. Older children are kind and caring towards the younger ones, including those who are new to the club. They behave extremely well and have devised their own club rules, which are changed frequently when new children attend the setting.

Children are listened to and their views and opinio...ns are given high priority. For example, children are asked at registration what they would like to do and adults act on this. Staff plan a wide range of enjoyable, exciting activities catering to the needs and interests of each child.

For example, younger children thoroughly enjoy taking part in making sun catchers using paints. They learn to follow instructions and talk about what they are creating, sharing their success with their peers. Other children in the garden learn about the environment by planting and providing drinking water for bees.

Children are extremely engrossed. They are supported well about how to stay safe online. Staff are deployed effectively to help ensure children are consistently safe, indoors and outdoors.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children have an abundance of opportunities to develop their physical skills. For example, they thoroughly enjoy playing outdoors with their friends, playing games, such as football and badminton, or playing hide and seek. Children also take trips to the local park and participate in forest school sessions once a week.

Children are supported to understand how to keep safe. For example, they talk about what their fire evacuation procedure and lock down procedure is and explain what they need to do and why it is important.The manager and staff are extremely passionate about providing high-quality care.

They reflect on the quality of experiences provided by the club and plan relevant improvements, such as adapting the planning, so children's ideas are implemented alongside the weekly theme. Children choose from an extensive range of resources and have an input in the planning of the environment during registration time. Staff know the children and their families well.

They use the information about children's interests to provide activities that complement what they do at home and school ,such as learning about David Attenborough and how to save the planet.The manager and staff have developed highly effective partnerships with parents, using regular electronic communication and face-to-face interactions.They value their feedback, which is used to make positive changes.

Parents comment that their children love the club, enjoy the food and the time spent in the outdoor environment.Staff support children to take responsibility for their own needs and help others, such as when washing hands or accessing activities. All children are helped to follow good hygiene procedures and learn about keeping themselves healthy.

Staff provide healthy, nutritious snacks and meals that children independently help themselves to. Children are also reminded throughout the day to drink water when they are engrossed in other things.Staff are positive role models.

They help children to understand what is expected and have created club rules with children. The implementation of their own club rules mean that children's behaviour is exemplary, as they remind each other of their importance. They are polite and considerate; they understand what is expected of them and how they should treat each other with respect.

Staff encourage children to talk about their feelings. The manager and staff have identified the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has on children's emotional well-being, and they have created quieter areas where children can sit, reflect and explore their feelings through creating drawings, writing, and using sensory aids.The manager supports the well-being and professional development of her staff effectively.

The training needs of staff are quickly identified, and the manager is keen to adapt to the learning styles of her team. Staff benefit from individual support; for example, helping them to understand the needs of younger children using a board to identify gaps in learning. Staff talk extremely positively about the support they receive from their manager.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff receive training to ensure they can fulfil their safeguarding roles, including a robust induction programme. They soundly demonstrate how to recognise potential signs of abuse and how they keep children protected from risk of potential harm.

They know the procedures to follow should they have any concerns about a child, or the conduct of a colleague. Staff discuss safeguarding regularly in staff meetings to ensure that they have knowledge of safeguarding issues relevant to the local area. The manager implements robust recruitment and induction procedures to ensure that staff are suitable.

Also at this postcode
Fulbourn Primary School

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