Kids Zone Poynton

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About Kids Zone Poynton

Name Kids Zone Poynton
Address Poynton Methodist Church, Civic Hall, Park Lane, Poynton, Stockport, Cheshire
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority CheshireEast
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements This is a busy and fun setting.

Children arrive happy, ready to explore the exciting activities available for them. Children are offered a broad and varied range of imaginative activities and games, which inspires their curiosity. Furthermore, there are quiet spaces for children to rest and relax after a long day at school.

The space is considerately organised to ensure there is something to inspire all children and meet everyone's different needs and preferences.Children love learning about wildlife. They locate worms and ladybirds in the garden and eagerly talk about what they have found.

Children grow plants an...d carefully tend to their germinating seedlings. They enjoy making bird feeders and locate minibeasts in the garden. Children learn in very exciting, hands-on ways about nature and the environment in which they live.

This helps children to learn compassion and empathy for living creatures. Children are kind, gentle and sensitive and all of these qualities are nurtured in this friendly setting. Children are encouraged to play outdoors.

Staff understand the importance of fresh air and exercise for children's health and well-being. Children exert themselves climbing and running outside. They thoroughly enjoy the freedom of outdoor play and are often heard giggling and laughing.

Children are often challenged and respond well when faced with difficult tasks. For instance, they enjoy complex puzzles, using their memory and critical thinking skills to solve problems. This helps to support children's focus and concentration.

All children are safe and enjoy their time is this friendly and fun setting.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

This is a truly inclusive setting where all children's individuality is nurtured. Children thrive regardless of their needs and backgrounds because they receive personalised care by attentive and caring staff.

Staff are great role models. They play alongside children and suggest ideas to extend play. Staff are animated and energetic in their interactions with children.

They lead games with enthusiasm. Children greatly enjoy their time spent in this setting and share warm, positive relationships with the adults who care for them.Friendships between children flourish.

Older children help younger ones and children of all ages play cooperatively together. Staff encourage children to be polite and use manners. All staff implement consistent behaviour management strategies, as such children understand what is expected of them and learn right from wrong in age-appropriate ways.

Children's behaviour and manners are impeccable.Children enjoy independence and complete everyday tasks with confidence. To illustrate, they serve snacks to themselves and help to tidy away after mealtimes.

They show good understanding of how to keep themselves safe. For instance, they discuss with the visiting inspector the importance of road safety and being careful near traffic. Children are independent, self-assured and confident.

The manager ensures staff complete all mandatory training, such as paediatric first aid and safeguarding. Training is revisited frequently to build skills and knowledge. This impacts positively on staff morale and practice.

Despite this, the manager recognises the importance of coaching and mentoring staff and intends to invest more time in this aspect of management, to improve staff skills even more.Partnerships with parents are good. Staff complete daily discussions with parents, sharing information about children's experiences.

Any messages from school are also diligently shared. Parents comment that communication is reassuringly good, which helps to promote a joined-up approach to children's care.The manager reflects and evaluates the quality of the provision regularly.

She is ambitious and dedicated which, in turn, drives ongoing improvements.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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