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About Kids2Teens

Name Kids2Teens
Address John Bramston Primary School, Newcastle Avenue, ILFORD, Essex, IG6 3EE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Redbridge
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children settle in quickly and develop good friendships with other children and the staff. They demonstrate that they are confident and feel secure. Staff obtain a wealth of required information about children's needs and achievements, so everyone is well informed.

This enables staff to provide good care for each child and to develop close secure bonds. Furthermore, a buddy system ensures older children support new younger children to help them learn the routines and settle into the club quickly. Staff are kind and thoughtful.

They are good role models and successfully support children to behave well and consider the needs... of others. Children know the club rules and routines and follow them. For example, older children are quick to help to clear their plates after meals and help to carry younger children's bags out to the playground.

Children benefit from a wealth of activities set up before they arrive so they have the confidence to choose what they want to do. Staff plan activities which help children learn about the customs and beliefs of others. This also helps children to foster their understanding of equality and diversity.

Children interact confidently together, with staff and with visitors at the club. For instance, they share their play ideas, such as what they intend to make with the range of art materials, and talk about their school day.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The club is based in the school hall, and staff divide up the space so there is ample room for everyone to play and move around safely.

Staff engage children in meaningful conversations and use questioning to encourage them to problem solve and think as they play. For instance, younger children listen and wait patiently for their turn, as staff teach them the aims and objectives of a number game. Children become engrossed and persevere at the activities they choose.

Staff are consistent to encourage and praise children for their efforts. This supports children's emotional well-being superbly. Younger children focus and interact positively as they practise writing and use colour markers to draw pictures.

They confidently select reading books and retell familiar stories to their friends. Staff and children discuss how they will create sea-life creatures, such as jellyfish and octopus. Children of all age groups enjoy creating models and collage, using a range of junk materials, sequins, pipe cleaners and coloured paper.

Children benefit from good opportunities to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle. For example, they wash their hands before eating, and after using the toilet and messy play. Children eat a range of healthy snacks and meals, which are prepared on site by staff who have suitable training and awareness of food hygiene.

Staff are aware of children's individual dietary needs. This keeps children safe and ensures that their individual needs are promoted well. Children use a wide range of outdoor resources, such as climbing equipment and participate in group activities, such as hide and seek and play skittles.

This encourages children's physical development effectively.Staff are highly experienced and qualified. They say they enjoy their work and feel well supported in their role.

Senior leaders provide regular supervision meetings that ensure staff have a range of ongoing training and progression opportunities in their careers.Senior leaders have a clear vision for ongoing improvement. Staff, parents, other professionals, and children are consulted, and their views are taken into account for the future development of the club.

For example, since the last inspection, staff have created a cosy rest area for the children and provide for children's individual dietary needs, such as halal options.Staff work closely with school staff. This includes sharing information at the daily handover.

They discuss the youngest children's interests and share ideas which supports children's well-being even further.Staff develop friendly relationships with parents. Overall, parents are happy with the service that the staff team provides and comment that staff keep them well informed about their children's time at the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff promote children's safety at all times. They complete regular risk assessments to ensure that risks and hazards are minimised, both inside the hall and outside the playground.

Staff encourage children to understand the importance of following rules and personal safety. For example, they support children to understand why they must wait for their turn and not to use the outdoor climbing equipment when it is wet. Staff have a good understanding of their responsibilities regarding a wide range of safeguarding issues.

They are alert to any possible signs of abuse and understand the procedures to follow if they have concerns about the welfare of the children in their care. The senior leader ensures that staff are suitable for their roles. Staff also receive regular training to support them to keep their safeguarding knowledge up to date.

Also at this postcode
John Bramston Primary School

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