Kidspace St Marys

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About Kidspace St Marys

Name Kidspace St Marys
Address St. Marys C Of E Primary School, 1-3 Station Road, Hinckley, LE10 1AW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Leicestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy their time in this friendly and very well-organised club. As they arrive, they chat happily with staff and their friends about their day, sharing personal achievements, such as school awards. Children show that they feel happy and secure at the club as they enter with confidence.

They know the routine well as they put away their belongings, wash their hands and line up for snack. Staff encourage children to make choices during their time at the club. They confidently choose from a wide variety of exciting activities and resources inside and outside.

For example, children chop vegetables to create ...vegetable print pictures. Imaginative play is well supported as staff provide resources to create a veterinary role-play area. Children work well together, cooperating to wrap bandages around toy animals and using pretend syringes to administer medicines.

Outside, children are physically active as they play games such as football, tennis, and dodge ball. Staff actively join in with games. They help children to understand the rules, share and take turns.

Children behave very well during their time at the club. Staff are good role models and have high expectations for children's behaviour. Children show kindness towards each other, and older children often help younger children to follow the club's rules.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff know the children well. They spend time getting to know each child's likes, dislikes and home life. They use this information to provide an environment that supports children's emotional and physical well-being.

For example, children enjoy opportunities to rest and relax in a quiet reading area that staff have purposely created for them. Staff also provide activities based on children's interests to help them to be engaged in play and enjoy their time at the club.Staff have developed secure and trusting attachments with the children.

Key members of staff are deployed well to support the younger children, and they understand each child's individual needs. This ensures that staff provide care that promotes each child's well-being while attending the club.Staff promote positive behaviour extremely well.

They take time to explain the rules of the club and check that children understand what is expected of them. Children are considerate of one another and display excellent manners.Children enjoy a variety of well-balanced evening meals.

For example, children prepare their own wraps, selecting from a range of salad, vegetables and fruits. Staff help children to develop an understanding of healthy eating as they regularly discuss what foods are healthy and foods that are treats.Hygiene routines are well supported by staff.

Children are encouraged to be independent and take responsibility for their personal care. They know to wash their hands before eating and after playing outside. They pour their own drinks and tidy away their plates when they have finished eating.

Children begin to appreciate the diverse world that they live in. They share their family backgrounds and traditions with each other. Staff ensure that the learning environment reflects the diversity of children who attend and wider communities through books and resources.

Children particularly enjoy trying foods from around the world, and say their favourite is 'Korean rice'.Partnerships with the on-site school are strong. Staff talk to teachers to ensure that they are fully up to date about children's care, education and emotional needs.

They gather information about themes and special events that children are learning about at school so they can continue this learning at the club. Staff also share important messages with children, such as staying safe online, which offers children a consistent message.Partnerships with parents are strong.

Staff establish positive relationships with them and keep them fully informed and involved. Parents are happy with the club and praise the friendly, caring and professional staff. Parents comment on the wide range of activities on offer that keep their children engaged and excited.

Staff say that they enjoy working at the club and feel valued and supported by the manager. Managers observe staff regularly and support their professional development. For example, staff take part in regular online training, such as safeguarding, to help them to confidently keep children safe.

The manager meets with staff to discuss the club and evaluate the service that they provide. They agree on ways that they can improve experiences for children attending the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a good understanding of safeguarding procedures and know how to keep children safe. They have a clear knowledge of the signs that may indicate that children are at risk of abuse. There are clear and effective procedures in place for reporting concerns about children or adults.

These are understood by all those responsible for the operation of the after-school club. The risk assessments and safety checks of the indoor and outdoor environments ensure children's well-being and safety. Robust recruitment and induction procedures are in place to ensure that staff are suitable.

Also at this postcode
St Mary’s Church of England Primary School, Hinckley

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