Kidz Camp Essex Romford

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About Kidz Camp Essex Romford

Name Kidz Camp Essex Romford
Address Hylands Primary School, Granger Way, Romford, Essex, RM1 2RU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Havering
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy their time at this large, well-resourced and organised club. They arrive eager to start their day because they know it will be exciting.

The club owner has devised an impressive timetable of activities for children. Children enjoy a wide range of physical, sporty and competitive games. These include dodgeball, bench ball, relay races and soft archery.

Staff are warm, caring and welcoming. They spend time explaining the order of the day to children. This helps reassure younger children with less experience of a holiday club to join in and have fun.

Children benefit from the well-structured routines. ...They begin their day by putting their personal belongings away. After the register call, children willingly welcome each other during circle time activities.

Later on, children choose where they want to play. They remain engrossed in activities wherever they decide to play.Children behave very well at the club.

This is because staff revisit the rules and expectations with them at the start of each activity. They know that staff have high expectations for their behaviour. Hence, children line up, take turns and show respect for the adults.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

At the time of inspection, the club had recently started operating after a two-year period of closure. This was due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the staff team were recently appointed.

A new manager, yet to assume full responsibility, was in the process of her induction period. Despite being new, the staff work very well together. They are a cohesive team, who carry out their roles enthusiastically.

This is because the club owner had carried out a full induction with staff. He had arranged a successful team building event and closely monitors their practice.Staff supervise children well throughout the day.

They ensure they are always aware of children's whereabouts by deploying themselves well across the rooms and outside. Staff count children as they move between rooms and different areas of the club.Indoors, children enjoy parachute games, finger painting and making 'slime'.

They play group circle time games and participate in warm-up exercises. Children are happy and excited. Outdoors, they energetically participate in games to improve their ball control skills.

Staff interact well with children and show interest in children's creations. As children paint, staff skilfully interject in their conversations and challenge them to modify their creations. They use moments like this to teach children about what happens when certain colours mix together.

Children enjoy healthy meal options at the club. Some bring their own packed lunches and others opt to choose from what is provided. Children describe their experiences at the club positively.

They told the inspector 'We get to play with friends' and 'We can play cricket, football and water splash.' Parents are very happy with the wide range of activities their children enjoy at the club. They said the suggestions they make are listened to.

Parents told the inspector their children have lots to do.Children's overall safety is important at the club. The owner ensures children can enjoy competitive games safely.

For example, children are provided with safety goggles for specific games. Children are reminded to walk on the grass after getting wet from water play. This reduces their chances of slipping.

The club's owner is passionate about providing good quality activities for children to enjoy. The club has an inclusive ethos and his staff team are very dedicated. However, he has identified communication with parents can be further improved.

For example, the online booking system is being streamlined.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The club's owner makes sure that staff know the signs that they should look for that could indicate that a child may be at risk.

Staff have undergone safeguarding training recently. They know the procedure they must follow to report their concerns. Staff make ongoing daily risk assessments to all the areas of the club's premises.

All external access doors are kept locked during the club's operating hours. Unauthorised adults are prohibited from entry to the premises and fob entry keys are only carried by staff. Children know they must not leave the club unattended or without their parents.

Also at this postcode
Hylands Primary School

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