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About Kidzone

Name Kidzone
Address Sawtry Infant School, Middlefield Road, Sawtry, Cambridgeshire, PE28 5SH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Cambridgeshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy their time at this friendly and welcoming club. They are happy and excited to see the staff, who greet them warmly as they come out of school. Although routines have been adapted due to the COVID-19 pandemic and a recent move of buildings, children confidently adapt and take changes in their stride.

Children independently put their belongings on coat pegs and wash their hands on arrival. They are eager to share information about their day and have detailed discussions with staff. The staff are caring, thoughtful and intuitive to all children's needs.

They form strong bonds with children and know them well.Ch...ildren's behaviour is exceptionally good and they know what is expected of them. They eagerly told the inspector, 'I love it every single day,' and 'We get to choose things to play with.'

Children are respectful, kind and caring towards each other. They build strong friendships with their peers, sharing and taking turns as they play. For example, a group of children spend time playing with kinetic sand, sharing resources and talking to each other.

Staff listen to children and use their interests to plan the activities they provide.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Parents comment very positively about how 'amazing' and 'informative' staff are. They highly praise the management team and staff, who ensure all children are settled and enjoy their time at the club.

Parents compliment the setting's 'excellent' communication methods and know that their children are 'safe and have fun'.Children understand the rules and boundaries set by staff. For example, children know they are not allowed to play beyond a certain area and follow instructions well.

Staff carefully consider and use children's interests to promote their programme of activities. For example, children show a great interest in physical activity and enjoy participating in many outside games, such as scooter races, pogo stick balancing, penalty shootouts and water play.Children develop a sense of belonging at the club.

They freely choose what they do and contribute to keeping the club tidy, checking with staff if they are unsure where things belong.Staff undertake innovative training opportunities and actively use what they learn to broaden experiences for children. For example, staff introduce various games they have learned from a local football club.

Children thoroughly enjoy participating in something new and these games have a positive impact on their development. For example, children show increasing levels of confidence.The provider organises many outings during the school holidays.

Children enjoy visits to local parks and woodlands and take part in swimming lessons. They have many opportunities to experience a wide range of activities. For example, children learn martial arts, dance, and create and produce music with a local artistic director.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive very good support from staff. Staff work well with parents and other professionals to ensure children's individual needs are supported well.Children have access to a wide range of resources and use these creatively to further extend their interests.

For example, children work cooperatively to create a large paper snake. They share the use of scissors and decorate the snake with a variety of patterns and colours.All staff are aware of children's dietary requirements.

Children are provided with healthy and nutritious food. They confidently show excellent self-care skills and understand the importance of good hygiene. Staff sit and talk with children as they eat, promoting social interaction and good manners.

The staff state that they 'love' working in this club. They have high regard for the leaders and feel valued and well supported. The manager reflects on practice and evaluates this with staff, to help to identify how to improve the club for children even further.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider ensures all staff complete safeguarding training and continually checks their knowledge about safeguarding and child protection matters. Recruitment procedures are thorough and help to assure the ongoing suitability of staff working with children.

Staff identify the possible indicators for child abuse and neglect. They have a clear understanding of safeguarding issues, such as the risks to children of being exposed to extremist views and female genital mutilation. Staff know how to report any concerns to the relevant agencies.

Also at this postcode
Buttons And Bows Pre-School Sawtry Junior Academy Sawtry Infants’ School

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