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About Kidzone

Name Kidzone
Address Our Lady of Ransom Catholic Primary School, Little Wheatley Chase, Rayleigh, SS6 9EH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Essex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision does not meet requirements The provider has failed to ensure that staff understand about keeping children safe from harm. This compromises children's welfare.

Nevertheless, children enjoy their time in the club. The older children make their way from their classrooms to the club by themselves, and the younger children are collected by a member of staff. The children sit and chat with each other as they wait for their friends to arrive.

They then share news about their day with their friends and staff.Staff plan the session around the times children go home and have a routine in place. This ensures that children have a chance to complete thei...r activities and bring them to a natural close by the time they go home.

Staff are sensitive to children's individual needs and spend time supporting children who need a little longer than others to settle when they first start. Children behave well. They listen to instructions and staff make sure they understand the behavioural expectations, offering the occasional reminder of the rules if needed.

Children have positive relationships with staff and their friends.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leadership and management are weak, and the provider has not done enough to ensure that all safeguarding requirements of the 'Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage' are met. As a result, this has an impact on children's well-being.

The children happily take part in the activities on offer and display positive attitudes to their play. When they first arrive, children have the choice of completing a creative activity or their homework. Those who choose to do their homework receive effective support and encouragement from staff.

Children also support each other as they do this and offer guidance to each other as needed.Staff sit with children as they complete activities. They offer the children support and guidance as needed.

The children chat to their friends and show each other the pop-out Halloween pictures they have created. They laugh and giggle as they feign being 'scared' of each other's pictures. When sharing their news at circle time, they raise their hands if they wish to speak and wait patiently for their turn.

They offer comments on each other's news. A staff member starts a game of 'Play your cards right'. The children enjoy joining in and take turns being the game show host.

Parents speak positively about the club. They state their children are keen to attend and settled well when they first started. Parents comment on the friendly and approachable staff.

They report that the communication methods at the club are effective, and they are kept up to date as required.Staff have developed positive partnerships with teachers at the host school.They liaise with the teachers to gather information about the children's time at school and any additional support they may need to provide.

Staff work in partnership with the host school to identify and support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.Staff report that they are happy in the club and enjoy their roles. They are inducted well when they are first employed and benefit from ongoing support.

Staff attend training and meetings regularly. They benefit from one-to-one meetings to discuss performance and identify individual development opportunities.The provider has implemented the action raised at the last inspection and ensures accurate records of children's attendance are maintained at all times.


The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.The provider does not fulfil their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding children. They have failed to ensure that the safeguarding policy is in line with local safeguarding partner procedures.

Staff are not secure in their knowledge of the 'Prevent' duty guidance or county lines. They do not know how to identify signs that a child is at risk of extremism or exploitation. The provider and staff designated to take the lead for safeguarding do not know the procedures to follow to respond to allegations against staff.

This compromises children's safety and welfare.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

The provision is not meeting requirements and Ofsted intends to take enforcement action.

We will issue a Welfare Requirements Notice requiring the provider to: Due date implement an effective safeguarding policy in line with the local safeguarding partner procedures 31/10/2023 ensure staff designated to take the lead for safeguarding have the knowledge, training and skills to be able to fulfil their role effectively and, in particular, know the procedure to follow in the event of an allegation about a staff member 31/10/2023 ensure that all staff have an up-to-date knowledge of safeguarding, including signs that may indicate a family is being drawn into extremism or a child who may be at risk of exploitation.


Also at this postcode
Our Lady of Ransom Catholic Primary School

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