Kingsland Before & After School Club

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About Kingsland Before & After School Club

Name Kingsland Before & After School Club
Address Kingsland Primary School, Bandywood Crescent, BIRMINGHAM, B44 9NA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Birmingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children excitedly gather at the end of the school day.

They chat to their friends as they prepare to move to the club area. They are greeted warmly by staff, who collect the younger children from their classrooms. Children share information about their day and who they are looking forward to seeing after school.

On arrival at the club, children choose from snacks provided by the staff. Children sit together and talk in their own groups of friends. Younger siblings look forward to seeing their older siblings who will arrive later in the session.

Although the rooms can be a little challenging on space, children qui...ckly move between the areas. They enjoy the challenge of the outside play space where they can be physically active. The secure outside area allows children to run and play in safety.

Children initiate team ball games. Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour. They role model good behaviour.

This supports children to show respect and value the views of others. Older children explain the rewards system at the club, which is named the 'Proud cloud'. When they do something 'really good', it is posted on their 'cloud'.

At the end of term, they receive an award, a book. Children proudly show me the books they chose last term.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff form close relationships with children, parents and the school.

Parents report that their children enjoy attending and that the staff are kind and caring. Children regularly talk about the club and often do not want to go home at the end of the session. Parents share information about their children when they start.

They receive good information about the club, such as its policies and procedures. The relationship with the school is a strong feature. Staff share information that supports children's well-being and emotional security.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive good support. Staff work closely with the school and parents to ensure that children's time at the club supports their individual needs. Staff have attended a range of training to support children with additional needs.

Younger children enjoy a range of activities that support their learning and development. They use their imagination as they take care of the 'poorly' staff. They make sure they have injections after finding they have an infection.

Children recall past events and share their experiences with other children and staff. They listen well and show a sense of empathy about how others feel.Children learn about our wider communities and the different needs of people.

They take part in an ongoing programme to adopt a guide dog. They receive regular updates about their dog and how it is doing and what it likes to eat. Children reflect their own cultural backgrounds in art work.

They learn about different festivals and celebrations. They use their own knowledge and experience, so they can reflect on what is important to them and share this with others.Staff regularly discuss and evaluate the club.

They do an annual questionnaire and use a comments book to obtain the views of parents and children. They ask the children about their ideas and use these to plan future activities based on children's interests. Children create advent calendars.

They carefully make a paper chain, one loop for each day in December. They will be able to remove these and have a visual picture of how long it is until Christmas. They are excited as they show parents what they have made.

Children's behaviour is good. They are gently reminded about good listening, sitting and sharing. Children explain about the rules of the club.

They are confident and self-assured. Children know what is right and wrong and where to go to if they have concerns. Older children are conscious of the needs of younger children.

They spend time sitting with them and explaining the games and activities to the younger children. Younger children appreciate this time and listen attentively to the instructions of the older children, so they can take part. Children enjoy their time at the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are fully aware of their role and responsibility to keep children safe. Staff keep up to date with child protection training.

They know the procedures for the local authority to report any concerns about a child in their care. They are familiar with the signs and symptoms that may indicate that a child is more vulnerable or at risk of harm. The club has its own secure area within the school.

Staff monitor who enters the area well. Risks to children are minimised. Staff are careful to check who is present as children move between school and the club at collection times.

Also at this postcode
Kingsland Primary School (NC)

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