Kirton Kids Club

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About Kirton Kids Club

Name Kirton Kids Club
Address 17 High Street, Kirton, BOSTON, Lincolnshire, PE20 1DR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are clearly happy and settled.

As children arrive at the hall where they assemble ready for club, they excitedly talk to staff about their day at school. Staff listen attentively, which helps children to feel highly valued. Children thrive on staff's high expectations of them.

For example, when children show a keen interest in visitors, staff encourage children to engage in conversations. As a result, children talk to the inspector and tell them about their day. On arrival at the club, children choose what they want to do.

Staff provide a broad range of activities and play resources set up for children. C...hildren enjoy an environment in which staff plan activities based on what they know children like to play with. Children know they can approach staff for further resources.

Staff respond well to children's requests and support them to become engrossed in their play. For example, they provide children with make-believe medical resources and bandages. Children use these during role play to create a vet's surgery.

Children talk to visitors about their appointment system and the treatment they are administering to their pretend pets. Children are kind and sensitive to each other. Older children welcome younger children into their games.

Children's behaviour towards each other is admirable. Young children ask if they can hold the door open for their friends. As they pass through, all children say 'Thank you' this is met with a 'You're welcome'.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider, manager and staff team have a clear vision for the club. They are dedicated and passionate about providing a place where children have fun. The manager and staff team are highly experienced and have worked together for many years.

They work well as a cohesive team and have a good understanding of their responsibilities. They share a commitment to providing a quality service for children and their families.Staff have high expectations of all children's behaviour and are positive role models.

Children are kind and considerate to others. They show high levels of confidence and emotional security. All children listen to instructions and respond to clear guidance.

They share, take turns and welcome others into their games.Staff support children's understanding of being healthy. Children manage their personal hygiene very well, understanding the importance of regular handwashing before eating.

The club provides healthy and wholesome snacks. Staff are aware of children's different dietary requirements. This contributes to children's individual health and well-being.

Children say they love their club. They talk confidently about their favourite activities and say that the staff are 'fun'. Staff are on hand to enhance children's play.

For example, when children want to create a picnic, staff provide them with a mat to use as a picnic rug. This contributes to children's imaginary play.Staff ensure they give children's safety good priority.

This is particularly evident on the well-managed school collection. There is a clear registration process to ensure that all children who are meant to be at club are accounted for. The walk to the club building is equally as rigorous.

Older children walk hand in hand with younger children. Staff remind the children to ensure young children are walking on the inside of the pavement. This contributes especially well to children's safety and well-being.

Staff celebrate the different languages children speak within the club. For instance, staff display key phrases in different languages children speak within the room. Children recognise this and engage each other in conversations, sharing their home language with each other.

This helps to promote an inclusive society.Parents' comments are overwhelmingly positive. They describe how much their children enjoy attending and explain that their children want to come to the club even though it is not their allotted day.

Parents comment this is a time for their children to play with their friends outside of the official school day.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are familiar with the signs that may indicate that a child is more vulnerable or at risk of harm.

They are confident about who to report their concerns to. Staff access regular refresher training to ensure their knowledge remains current. Staff monitor who enters the club room.

There are stringent procedures in place to ensure children do not leave with anyone other than those authorised to collect children. The leadership team uses robust recruitment procedures to check that all staff are suitable to work with children. All persons associated with the club have completed the relevant suitability checks.

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