Kool Kids Out Of School

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About Kool Kids Out Of School

Name Kool Kids Out Of School
Address Penketh South Community Primary School, Finlay Avenue, Penketh, Warrington, Lancashire, WA5 2PN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Warrington
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and sociable. Children eagerly share previous experiences with staff, who create a warm and calm environment.

Staff welcome each child by name and ensure that their chosen activity is available. Staff act as positive role models for the children. They attentively listen to the children and encourage them to take turns in speaking.

Children are well behaved and polite. Staff have clear expectations about children's behaviour and children know and understand the rules. They play cooperatively with their peers.

Staff encourage children to spend time, both inside and outside. This helps to promote c...hildren's physical development while they run and exercise in the fresh air. The older children work together with younger children, taking turns and supporting each other while they play a stacking game.

Children begin to understand different concepts, such as democracy. For example, they vote to decide how to use the blocks in the next game. Staff guide children through this process, helping to remind children to consider everyone's views.

Children respect the decisions made and happily join in with the new game together.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The owner and staff support children's well-being effectively. Children are relaxed in the happy and comfortable environment that staff provide.

Staff recognise children are hungry after school, and prepare a healthy snack for them on arrival. Children help to care for the environment, such as clearing their plates away and tidying up before going outside. The setting supports children to develop independence in preparation for their future.

Older children arrive from their classroom and take care of their belongings. They leave their bags and drink bottle in the designated space. Staff help them to recall the club rules and how to keep safe outside.

Children are enthusiastic to join in with activities. Staff effectively promote children's developing language and communication skills. They encourage children's growing vocabulary through interesting conversations with children and provide detailed explanations.

Staff ensure that they have children's attention when giving instructions. They leave plenty of time for children to formulate and express their opinions when asking them questions.Staff work well together.

They comment on how they feel supported by the owner. Staff have regular supervision meetings, which enable them to consider their professional development and personal well-being. Leaders support staff to attend relevant training in areas that interest them.

Staff have opportunities to learn through accessing a variety of training, including online learning during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. The owner has plans to improve supervision sessions further by offering staff opportunities for peer support and mentoring.Children's behaviour is a reflection of the care and respect they receive from staff.

They listen intently, follow instructions and take pride in themselves and the club. All children show friendly relationships. They speak to one another with respect and invite all children to play a game of 'hide the coloured hoop'.

The owner works closely with the host school staff to understand how they minimise the spread of infections. She adapts the club's practices to reflect school policies and procedures in response to COVID-19. Children quickly adapt to new rules and routines that staff clearly explain to them.

For example, children understand which boxes of resources have been rested safely for use and which areas of the room they are able to use.Parents are pleased with the club. They state that they are reassured that their children feel settled and secure.

Parents welcome the short discussions with staff at the end of the day to help them to find out what their children have been doing. The owner and staff effectively evaluate the quality of the provision. They gather feedback from parents and listen to the views of the children, helping to make continual improvements to the already well run club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff have a good understanding of safeguarding. They are able to identify signs and symptoms of abuse, including wider safeguarding concerns such as the 'Prevent' duty guidance.

All staff have completed paediatric first-aid training. The environment is safe and secure as staff complete a daily risk assessment before children arrive. The owner ensures that staff are suitable and safe to work with children before they start work at the club.

There are effective systems in place to supervise children and enable them to arrive and leave safely. For example, parents alert staff they are waiting outside. Staff then take children to their parents, to hand over safely.

Also at this postcode
St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School Kool Kids Out Of School Penketh South Community Primary School

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