Kool Kidz Out Of School Club

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About Kool Kidz Out Of School Club

Name Kool Kidz Out Of School Club
Address Hardy Mill Primary School, Belmont View, Bolton, BL2 3QJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bolton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy their time in this friendly and well-organised club.

Staff welcome children by name as they arrive. Children form strong relationships with the supportive staff. Staff play alongside children and support them to feel safe and secure.

Children are welcoming of new people and show that they are confident to talk to visitors. Leaders and staff are aware of the impact that the pandemic has had on some children. They have effective measures to support children with their personal, social and emotional development.

They work closely with the school to ensure that all children's individual needs... are well met.Children take part in a range of activities, which staff plan around children's interests. They make independent choices when at the club and children demonstrate that they know the routines.

Children quickly engage in activities, such as art and drawing. They are encouraged to use their imaginations and be creative. For example, children spend time drawing and colouring as they take part in a mask-making activity.

They observe their own faces in mirrors and demonstrate careful attention to detail. Children talk about having two holes for eyes and use the masks imaginatively in role play together. Children eagerly show their designs and are proud of their achievements.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Management and staff are reflective. They review all aspects of practice regularly and create action plans that help to develop and enhance the provision. Children's input is valued and welcomed by staff.

This contributes to the already excellent standards within the club and helps to ensure that children continually benefit from a quality provision.Staff have regular supervision meetings, where they can discuss things, such as their key children and any training needs. They keep up to date with mandatory training, including safeguarding and paediatric first aid.

The manager has a clear understanding of monitoring staff and supporting them through supervision sessions.Partnership working is a strength of the club. Links with the host primary school are highly effective.

The manager works closely with class teachers, parents and staff to ignite children's interest through fun activities. Children delight in enacting the roles of dentists as they talk about good oral health and use pretend mouths and tools to demonstrate cleaning and fixing teeth.Children behave extremely well.

Staff consistently model kindness and respect for others. They support children to find resolutions to problems and remind them of their manners. Children listen intently to instructions and react in an appropriate manner.

Staff develop lovely relationships with children. This supports children's positive behaviour.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are fully included.

Staff support children by following their lead. They offer children lots of encouragement in their play. This supports children's emotional well-being and children enjoy joining in.

Children with SEND feel happy and secure and have a positive experience while at the club.Staff support children to have a healthy lifestyle. For instance, children are encouraged to choose their snack from a choice of healthy options and help themselves to fresh water.

Staff are fully aware of children's allergies and dietary needs and ensure that these are met.Children have many opportunities to share their thoughts and ideas about the activities, resources and environment. Older children take great pride in being a leader of the club council, where staff seek their views.

Children then see their ideas become reality, such as the introduction of a book club. Children quickly develop a sense of belonging and enjoy their time in the club. Children comment that they enjoy coming to the club and playing with their friends.

Parents are extremely complimentary about the club and the support their children receive. They say that staff know their children very well and provide interesting and fun experiences. Staff share information with parents about their children's day, through daily discussions.

Parents know who to speak to if they have questions or concerns.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider and her staff team have a good knowledge of signs and symptoms that may indicate possible abuse to children.

They know the procedures to follow should they have a concern about a child. Furthermore, staff confidently explain the procedure to follow in the event of an allegation made against themselves or a colleague. Children are always supervised, and staff support them to keep themselves safe at the club.

The manager shares safeguarding information and updates with staff during team meetings and discussions. The premises are secure and daily risk assessments are completed to ensure the children's safety. The provider follows effective recruitment procedures to ensure that those employed to work with children are suitable to do so.

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