Kool kidz Ltd

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About Kool kidz Ltd

Name Kool kidz Ltd
Address Snodland Community Centre, Paddlesworth Road, Snodland, ME6 5DP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are enthusiastic to attend this fun and welcoming setting. Staff greet children with a smile and share warm interactions.

Children are keen to engage in and look around the space provided, choosing where and what to play with. They are confident in the environment and settle in to relax and play. Children know the expectations staff have for them.

For example, they know where to place their belongings, so that they remember to collect everything they need, before home time. Children show kindness and respect to others and offer help and support to their friends. For instance, children are encouraged to complete jo...bs, such as refilling everyone's water bottles.

They delight in the responsibility and understand that they are contributing to their friends' well-being and needs. Staff intervene effectively in possible disputes between peers. For example, when children begin to argue over points in a table tennis game, staff encourage them to problem solve and consider the rules.

Children listen well and continue with their fun, playing fairly. Children of all ages play together. They enjoy exciting activities, such as team games, reading stories and using craft resources.

Younger children show an interest in the dressing-up clothes and give a running commentary as they play. Older children play board games or collaborate during block play. There is something for all children in the well-resourced setting.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider has clear aims for the setting and supports staff to provide a safe space for children to relax and learn through play. For example, children build on their experiences at school and show interest in different events and celebrations that occur through the year. Staff interact with children throughout their games to extend and build on any emerging interests.

Staff have a calm approach to children's behaviour. They liaise with the other settings that children attend and ensure that they maintain consistency for those children who require additional support and guidance. This includes those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Children spend lots of time concentrating and engaging in tasks of their own choice. For example, some children are happy exploring play dough, while others enjoy creating large scale models from magnetic toys. Children appear content and self-reliant in their activities.

Staff offer children healthy snacks and drinks at the setting. Children's allergies and preferences are taken into consideration and staff supervise children, who sit calmly at the table with their friends. Children chat among themselves and take turns to share their experiences from throughout the day.

Children enjoy regular outings in the local environment and to local country parks. They relish the opportunity to develop their physical skills by taking part in healthy and active experiences.Staff regularly take part in staff meetings to discuss the development of their practice and review any online training that is available to them.

This helps to further staff's knowledge and skills. In addition, they comment positively on the good teamwork at the setting and say they feel supported in their well-being.Parents feel that staff provide a caring and trustworthy place to leave their children.

They are reassured by the safe and organised approach and welcome the support and additional guidance offered. Parents state that they are appreciative of the information relayed between the staff and other settings that may be attended, such as the local schools.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff always ensure the safety of children when travelling to and from their various settings. For example, they wear high-visibility vests and are encouraged to walk in a close line through the busy car park. The provider ensures she updates the required training to fulfil her designated safeguarding role.

The provider supports staff with ongoing guidance to ensure that they know how to protect children from harm. Staff have a good understanding of how to recognise potential signs of abuse. They know the procedures to follow should they have concerns about a child's welfare or the conduct of a member of staff.

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