Koosa Kids After School Club At St Mary’s Primary, Chiddingfold

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About Koosa Kids After School Club At St Mary’s Primary, Chiddingfold

Name Koosa Kids After School Club At St Mary’s Primary, Chiddingfold
Address St. Marys C Of E Primary School, Petworth Road, Chiddingfold, Godalming, Surrey, GU8 4UF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and sociable.

They greet visitors with curiosity and confidently talk about their day at school. New children are made to feel very welcome. For example, staff members are very attentive to their needs, to help support their sense of security.

Children are very well behaved. They listen carefully to staff and understand the rules of the club well. For instance, children know that they need to sit down when they are eating and to be kind to each other.

Children quickly settle to play with items of their choice, such as dressing up, making complex train tracks or playing board games. Younger child...ren enjoy completing jigsaws and older children happily join in to help with this task. They all beam with delight at their achievements.

Children laugh and chatter during their games and enjoy been creative. For instance, they delight in showing adults items that they have made and decorated, such as paper aeroplanes. Children enjoy being physically active.

They explain to visitors where they can safely play outdoors and they show an awareness of others around them. Children enjoy demonstrating how they can safely take risks when they use the climbing apparatus. Younger children show their older friends how to successfully use the hula-hoops.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The leadership team are committed to ongoing improvements and regularly complete quality checks. This helps to ensure that high standards are consistently provided. Staff report that they feel valued and are well supported in their roles.

They attend continuous training to make sure that they have current information to care for the children. New staff complete a thorough induction programme to ensure they understand their responsibilities.The manager is very experienced and is highly efficient in organising the club.

She knows the children's unique personalities well and is sensitive to children's feelings. For instance, she recognises when to play alongside children or when they need space to unwind after their busy day at school. This helps to support their emotional development.

Staff frequently review how they care for the children. They are very mindful of the impact children adapted to during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. Staff are currently embedding new routines to take account of the easing of restrictions.

For example, staff are keen to increase children's independence, such as them becoming more involved in the serving and preparation of their meal time.Staff help children to develop an understanding about being healthy. For example, they talk about staying hydrated and the benefits of eating their nutritious snacks.

Children say that they like the food and enjoy washing up their own cups and plates. This helps them to understand about caring for the environment.Staff are positive role models and help children to understand what is expected.

The strong links with the school's ethos contributes to children's extremely good behaviour. Children are very considerate and treat each other with respect. Staff discuss differences in people that they may encounter, to help them have an understanding of their wider community.

The manager has a close relationship with teachers in the host school. They share information about the children's needs. The manager continually observes what children know and can do during their play.

Consequently, she plans fun activities to support their ongoing learning at school.Children are keen to talk to the inspector about what they like to do at the club. They eagerly explain the favourite games that they like to play, such as the table tennis outdoors.

Children particularly enjoy using their imagination when they dress up in a variety of costumes. They have fun chatting about characters that they are pretending to be. This helps to support their communication skills with each other and adults.

Parents speak highly about the club. They value how staff communicate with them to understand their children's needs. They say that their children enjoy bringing items home that they have made and that they have fun.

New parents to the club say that their children love attending and that they have been made to feel very welcome.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a secure understanding of safeguarding and child protection.

They know how to identify and refer any concerns about children or the behaviour of any adults working with them. Staff attend regular training and their knowledge is routinely checked to ensure that this is accurate. There is a robust staff recruitment procedure in place and staff's ongoing suitability is frequently reviewed.

Staff are vigilant about children at all times and collection times are well managed. They also ensure that children are safely escorted from after-school activities that they may attend. Staff constantly risk assess all resources and areas used by children to make sure that these are suitable.

Also at this postcode
St Mary’s Church of England Primary School

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