Koosa Kids Breakfast And After School Club At St Mary’s & St Peter’s Primary School, Teddington

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About Koosa Kids Breakfast And After School Club At St Mary’s & St Peter’s Primary School, Teddington

Name Koosa Kids Breakfast And After School Club At St Mary’s & St Peter’s Primary School, Teddington
Address St. Marys & St. Peters C of E Primary School, Somerset Road, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 8RX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority RichmonduponThames
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children have fun and look forward to attending this well-resourced club. As COVID-19 (coronavirus) restrictions have lifted, children are no longer confined to their class 'bubbles' while at school or at the club. This has helped to build positive peer relationships between children.

For example, staff 'buddy' older children with the younger children. This has supported the younger children to feel settled and secure in the club, while the older children enjoy a sense of responsibility and feel valued.Children make independent choices about their play in the spacious indoor and outdoor environment.

Leaders give children a... sense of ownership over their club as they contribute to ideas for club activities. Children's physical development is promoted well. They enthusiastically take part in outside activities, such as team ball games and group challenges.

They listen to instructions well and encourage their friends as they cheer them on in a game of football penalties.Children are polite and respectful to one another, and behaviour is excellent. Leaders reinforce the 'Koosa Rules' at the start of each session and children have a clear understanding of these.

Children know that these rules apply to everyone, for example, they encourage their friends to tidy up after themselves.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and managers support staff well. All staff complete a detailed induction process.

They have access to ongoing training, and their performance is reviewed in an annual appraisal. Staff feel supported by leaders, and are passionate and enthusiastic about their roles. Leaders and managers recognise that staff will need further support and guidance to adapt to the easing of COVID-19 restrictions.

Leaders and managers have an accurate understanding of the setting's strengths and weaknesses. They have a clear vision for the club, and use feedback from staff, parents and children to make improvements. For example, parents felt that the COVID-19 restrictions affected how staff shared information with them.

This meant that they did not have a clear understanding of their child's time at the club. As a result, the setting explored alternative ways to communicate, such as making more use of emails and setting up a whiteboard with daily information about the exciting activities. Parents feel confident to leave their children in the staff's care.

Children who are new to the setting settle in quickly. Parents complete a detailed booklet with information about their child, their routines and likes and dislikes. This helps staff to get to know children and their families well, and contributes to the strong relationships between staff and children.

Parents are aware of who their child's key person is.Children enjoy a range of healthy snacks, including fresh fruit and vegetables, and are encouraged to drink plenty of water. They learn about the food they are eating, where it comes from and why it is good for them.

They learn to adopt good hygiene practices, such as washing their hands before eating their snacks.Staff interact very well with children, joining in their play enthusiastically. Children are happy to share information about their day at school and their home lives.

Staff get to know children well. The relationship between staff and the host school is strong. Information is shared in order to meet children's needs, support their learning at school and to keep them safe.

Children enjoy taking part in imaginative play. They demonstrate this as they use information and technology equipment with confidence in the role play area and relate this to their own life experiences. They work together and listen to the views of their friends.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff are aware of how to recognise signs of possible abuse, and have a clear understanding of the procedure to follow should they have concerns about a child in their care. Staff receive ongoing training to keep their knowledge up to date.

Leaders and staff fully understand the wider issues around safeguarding, such as their responsibility under the 'Prevent' duty. Appropriate information is shared with the host school to ensure that children are kept safe and their needs are met. The premises are secure, and staff complete risk assessments of the areas used by children.

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