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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Inspirational teaching is the key strength of this setting. The manager demonstrates an impressive knowledge of early years and invests extensive time and support into staff development. Children benefit greatly from this and exceed in all areas of their development from a very young age.
They are empowered to become autonomous in their learning. The skilled and intuitive staff provide challenge and help to shape children's learning. They help to continually shape and build on what children already know and provide ways to break down their learning.
This helps children master their chosen tasks. Children help st...aff to write labels for various herbs and plants. They explore the scents of the herbs and learn how some words look different to how they sound.
They learn to write complex words, including thyme. This demonstrates excellent literacy skills. Children absorb the richness of learning and deeply immerse themselves in play.
Staff have high expectations for children. Children behave very well. They use impeccable manners and show high levels of respect towards others.
Very young children show compassion and support for one another. For example, when a child is upset after waking from their sleep, others offer reassurance and concern for them. Children develop superb social skills.
Older children learn to label their emotions and use emotive language throughout interactions.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Exceptional partnership working with others helps to provide a rich and consistent approach to children's learning. Teachers from local schools that children attend comment on the high levels of development of children and how well prepared they are for their next stage in learning.
The manager provides seminars for parents to attend where she shares her thirst for providing the highest teaching standards for children. This includes ways to build children's early reading skills. Parents have a vast array of opportunities to contribute to their children's learning and development.
Parents share celebrations and observations from home. Staff skilfully use this information to help children to prepare for key transitional moments in their lives. For example, staff tailor individualised activities to help children prepare for the birth of a sibling.
Children confidently build their physical skills. They learn to assess risks and take part in challenging physical activities. Staff make full use of the local area of the setting.
For instance, children participate in forestry activities, including learning to build dens, and participate in scavenger hunts. In addition, parents are invited to yoga sessions with their children. Children understand the benefits of exercise.
Young children are supported to build on their excellent physical skills. Staff provide complex indoor climbing structures and enable children to take risks in their play. They offer high levels of support for young children to learn to climb unaided.
Children demonstrate a sense of pride in their own achievements.Children's self-care skills are exceptionally well fostered. Children take responsibility for tasks, including learning to prepare and tidy away after activities and mealtimes.
They master toilet training from a young age and are very independent. Children are provided with wholesome, nutritious foods that cater for individual allergies, preferences and cultural beliefs. They learn where food comes from and the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle.
Staff skilfully promote children's mathematical understanding throughout all areas of practice. Children quickly learn the value of number, and sort and make comparisons during play. Staff offer superb levels of encouragement to children as they begin to recognise how many more items they need to complete their chosen task.
The manager provides extensive supervision sessions for staff. She completes in-depth research that helps to reshape the setting's drive to provide the highest standards of quality and care. In addition, staff are very highly qualified.
They review their own continuous professional development and evaluate this before reviewing the impact of this on children's learning. Staff attend regular team meetings and team-building events.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Children's safety and well-being is of paramount importance. Staff provide opportunities for children to develop an awareness of how to keep themselves safe. Children develop exceptional levels of confidence and can identify risks and think of ways to address these.
Leaders and staff have an impressive understanding of safeguarding concerns, including wider safeguarding issues. They are fully alert to local area issues and refine their in-depth policies to reflect these. Leaders and staff have a superb knowledge of how to address any child protection matters and the procedure to follow in the event of any concerns relating to practice or allegations against others.
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