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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Staff have high expectations of what children can achieve. They quickly identify the most disadvantaged children and any gaps in their learning. Staff work diligently with other professionals to address these gaps.
This ensures that all children, especially those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), receive a strong foundation for their education. For example, children are improving their language and communication skills. Children who previously had limited physical strength can now walk with increasing confidence.
Overall, the curriculum helps children develop essential skills for their future e...ducation.Staff are kind, approachable and nurturing. They provide plenty of praise to help build children's confidence and self-esteem.
Staff encourage good manners in children, such as the use of 'please' and 'thank you'. This teaches children to behave well. Staff establish clear rules and boundaries, which help children feel safe and emotionally secure.
Children are free to explore their environments and play happily. They enjoy attending the nursery. Additionally, staff promote children's understanding of healthy lifestyles.
They follow consistent hygiene practices and encourage physical exercise. Children learn to maintain their health and protect themselves from infectious illnesses from a young age.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The management team consists of highly skilled professionals who hold high aspirations for staff and children.
They have a strong understanding of child development, especially in identifying and supporting children with SEND. This approach ensures that children receive timely intervention at an early stage. The use of additional funding helps all children to make significant progress from their starting points, such as in their physical skills.
For instance, the funding has contributed to the improvement of the outdoor area. This benefits children who may not otherwise have access to such spaces, as well as those who enjoy playing outside.Staff observe and assess children's learning to guide their curriculum.
They plan various activities for all children. However, staff do not fully consider how to implement some activities effectively. They do not consistently help children to achieve the intended goals and maximise their learning.
Staff are particularly effective at encouraging children to undertake manageable tasks, such as during snack time. Children respond positively to this encouragement, as seen when they peel their fruit and pour their drinks. In another example, children show perseverance as they take off their coats.
Children gain strong self-care and independent skills.Children are motivated to play. They enjoy singing nursery songs while splashing water with their hands, expressing their excitement.
Some children explore malleable materials, such as sand, play dough and dry pasta. They tell staff, 'I'm making a pumpkin' and describe it as 'spiky'. Outdoors, children work together to build a 'house' using soft bricks.
These experiences foster children's creative and imaginative skills.The management team puts significant effort into collaborating with parents, which is a key strength of the nursery. It provides parents with valuable advice, information and guidance.
This includes the significance of oral health, regular attendance and sufficient sleep for children. Parents feel well informed about their children's learning and understand how they can assist them at home.Staff manage children's behaviour well.
They are gentle, and they remind children to respect their peers and toys. This helps children to learn to play alongside or with their peers.Some staff are studying for their qualifications in early years education.
They complete training, such as improving their knowledge of how to develop children's language skills. This training benefits children's progress, including those who speak English as an additional language. Staff appreciate the management team's support for their professional growth and well-being.
The management team evaluates the nursery's strengths and where they would like to secure improvements. Since the last inspection, there have been improvements in the recruitment and induction procedures for staff. The management team acknowledges the need for increased support from senior leaders to enhance their ability to deliver the best possible provision for children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review the organisation of group activities to ensure that children gain the intended knowledge and skills they need to learn next.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.