Little Oaks @ Tylers Green

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About Little Oaks @ Tylers Green

Name Little Oaks @ Tylers Green
Ofsted Inspections
Address Tylers Green First School, School Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP10 8EF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Buckinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children follow an inspiring curriculum that successfully builds on their skills and motivates them to be well-rounded, thoughtful individuals.

Children are happy and relaxed in this welcoming nursery. They feel safe, secure and form strong bonds with the kind and caring staff. Children are motivated to learn.

They are highly skilled in leading their own play. Activities sustain their attention as they engage in activities for long periods of time. Children are expressive and confident talkers.

They negotiate, discuss their ideas and hold in-depth conversations. Children are confident to select resource...s to help advance their ideas as they play. They are kind and considerate towards one another.

For example, while exploring coloured water using pipettes, children offer each other help. They show empathy and a willingness to be supportive to each other. All children make superb progress from their starting points.

Children enjoy plenty of opportunities to spend time outdoors in the fresh air in the on-site woods. The enthusiastic staff dress up as characters from a familiar story. This brings tremendous enjoyment for children, as staff bring the story to life.

Staff promote children's literacy skills exceptionally well. For example, staff provide regular opportunities for children to sing songs, participate in action rhymes and explore the use of rhyming words. Children can explain the reasons for the rules that they follow to help keep themselves safe.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and staff plan and deliver the very well-designed curriculum supporting children to be kind, resilient and respectful. Staff place high priority on children's interests when planning activities. This helps all children to develop a positive attitude towards learning.

Managers regularly track the progress of individuals and groups of children. They use this information effectively to identify gaps in learning and take swift action to help children catch up.Children have highly sophisticated imagination.

When they play pirates, they stand on top of wooden blocks and discuss their concern that there is a sea monster coming. They quickly shout, 'legs out the sea'. Children are joyful as they run and jump aboard, screaming and shrieking with delight.

This tests their physical skills to the maximum. Staff add to children's ideas, while giving them full control of where their play will take them. Consequently, this ignites children's enthusiasm, and they absolutely love their learning.

Staff provide children with a wonderfully exciting and motivating environment. Their interests are consistently taken on board. For example, children and staff work together harmoniously to create a recycling and modelling area.

Children are increasingly self-motivated to solve problems and find solutions when challenges arise. This further boosts their self-esteem and confidence.The quality of teaching is consistently of an exceptionally high standard.

Staff use their knowledge of children's development to plan a wide range of interesting and stimulating activities that develop children's sense of curiosity. For example, children use different types of herbs and coloured liquids to make potions. They further develop their creativity and imagination by adding pinecones and leaves to the play dough on offer.

Children learn mathematical concepts through daily routines. For instance, during an outdoor activity, children recreate a road using wooden planks of various shapes and sizes. Staff ensure that all children can participate in activities that offer high levels of challenge and enjoyment.

For example, some children enjoy pushing toy cars along wooden planks, while other children prefer to measure and fit the planks of wood together. As a result, experiences support children's emotional regulation very well.Children enjoy frequent outings in the local community.

They learn about nature in local parks and enjoy visiting the library. Children's uniqueness is valued and celebrated within the nursery. They learn about their peers and the special events in their lives, such as Diwali, Eid and Christmas.

Staff ensure the resources in the nursery reflect the cultural heritage of those who attend. Therefore, children understand diversity and develop respect for different people.Partnerships with parents are extremely strong and parental feedback is consistently positive.

Parents receive regular updates about the experiences that children have while in nursery. Staff provide parents with extensive ideas about how they can continue to support children's learning at home. Therefore, children benefit from a consistent approach to their learning and development.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are extremely knowledgeable about how to keep children safe. They understand what to do if they are concerned about a child in their care.

All staff have a good understanding of possible concerns about children's welfare, such as extreme behaviour or the risk of radicalisation. They are confident in following their reporting procedures. Staff use training to enhance their practice, especially regarding child protection.

All staff have been trained in paediatric first aid to help keep children safe. Managers follow robust processes for risk assessment. They implement clear systems for recruitment, induction and supervision, which further help to keep children safe.

Also at this postcode
Tylers Green First School S4K Camp - Tyler’s Green First School

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