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Newbiggin Hall Childrens Centre, Newbiggin Lane, NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE, NE5 1LZ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Staff in the nursery are deeply committed to families and the local community. Children are provided with a wide range of opportunities to develop their understanding of the world around them. This includes stimulating off-site experiences, such as community fayres and theatre trips.
The curriculum is focused on teaching children to make the world a better place. Children learn how to be sustainable citizens who care for their planet and each other. They proudly explain that they are the 'guardians of the garden', and this means that they take care of the plants.
Children are included in community projects, such... as making packs for homeless people. This helps to give children an even deeper understanding about their world and how to make a difference. The nursery environment provides a wide range of exciting and inviting activities for children to explore.
For example, children persevere when using large tongs in the play dough, which builds up their fine motor skills. Babies learn about independence and self-care, such as when they explore water trays enhanced with dolls and flannels. Staff's interactions with children are of the highest quality.
They are excellent role models and set high expectations regarding children's behaviour. As a result, all children are busy and absorbed in their play and learning.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children's interests are closely observed by staff, who then skilfully plan a sequence of learning for each child.
For example, babies are helped to develop their physical skills and core strength to help them progress from sitting to crawling and walking. Staff demonstrate a clear understanding of age-appropriate activities to support the development of children in each age group.The curriculum supports children's love of reading through carefully selected stories, songs and rhymes.
Toddlers learn to take part in group singing sessions. They demonstrate excellent listening and concentration as they sit in a circle and take turns to choose from a selection of familiar nursery rhymes. Older children benefit from exploring key vocabulary picked from the 'story of the month'.
Staff invite visitors into nursery, including professionals on the dental bus, police officers and a range of animals. These experiences present exciting opportunities to develop children's social skills, as well as providing a real-life context to acquire new language and knowledge.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are thoroughly supported.
The special educational needs and disabilities coordinator (SENDCo) ensures that children with SEND have effective development plans in place. Staff use strategies, including using visual cue cards, to help children understand the routine and expectations for their behaviour. There is active engagement with outside agencies, including health professionals.
This helps children with SEND to make progress and prepare for the transition when they leave nursery and move on to school.Parents are extremely complimentary of the setting and praise the quality of the staff, describing them as going 'above and beyond' to support their children. They state that their children thoroughly enjoy their time in the nursery and have excellent relationships with staff.
The manager is very organised and has clear systems in place to ensure that all staff are suitable to work in the nursery. Her efficient management of the team ensures that all staff receive continuous professional development and support. The high-quality training provided by the leadership team has a direct impact on children's experiences in the nursery.
For example, recent training with a focus on 'stretch and challenge' for children in the pre-school has already resulted in improved interactions and activities in this room.Staff use pupil premium funding effectively to support eligible children's next steps in learning. For example, it has been used to fund resources and experiences linked to children's personal, social and emotional development, such as incubating eggs and caring for the chicks once they have hatched.
Staff's well-being is a high priority, and staff report that they feel extremely well supported, professionally and personally. The happiness of the staff is reflected in their interactions with children, who benefit from their enthusiasm, big happy smiles and eagerness to play and interact.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The nursery premises are extremely well maintained and clean and provide a safe place for children to play and learn. Children's safety is ensured through rigorous daily checks and risk assessments. The management team and staff have a very secure understanding of safeguarding and child protection.
They are alert to signs and symptoms of abuse and are very confident in their role in reporting and referring any cause for concern. Staff know how to follow whistle-blowing procedures if there are concerns about an adult in the setting. They demonstrate a secure knowledge and understanding in following this process.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.