Little Robins Nursery & Preschool

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About Little Robins Nursery & Preschool

Name Little Robins Nursery & Preschool
Website http://_Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 2 Craigdale Road, HORNCHURCH, Essex, RM11 1AE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Havering
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy and settled in the setting.

They confidently say goodbye to parents outside and enter the nursery with enthusiasm and eagerness to start their day. They chat to staff about their evening and quickly settle into play with friends. Children benefit strongly from the quiet, calm, caring atmosphere created by staff, who know them very well and nurture their emotional well-being.

Children have strong bonds with staff, seeking them out for comfort and encouragement throughout their play. Children seek eye contact from their special adult. They smile gleefully as they proudly show how they can climb in and ...out of equipment.

Adults remind children of what they achieved in the same activity yesterday or last week. This helps children to gain confidence and build on previous experiences, learning and remembering more. Children behave very well and show a positive 'can-do' attitude in everything they do.

They follow adult instructions throughout the day. For example, children leave their outside play and sit with an adult for a large-group activity when asked. Children play cooperatively together and help each other with tasks as part of their play.

For instance, younger children eagerly go to hold their older sibling's hand to help balance on a board.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Managers have a clear vision and good understanding of the quality of care and education they want children to experience at the setting. They reflect on what they are doing well and plan what needs to happen to improve.

For example, a new maths area has been set up to encourage children to use numbers and counting more frequently. Adults have reflected on how children benefit from outdoor learning. The activities and equipment offered outside have been increased and the routine adapted to allow children more opportunities to play outside.

Generally, staff use their good knowledge of the children to provide an ambitious curriculum, and children are making good progress. Staff know what children can do and plan for what they want them to know next. However, some staff rely heavily on asking children questions and directing their actions to teach them what they want them to learn.

This means children are not always encouraged to think critically and do things such as problem-solve, compare and contrast or evaluate ideas and form opinions.Children's behaviour is very good. They work well together, cooperating and problem-solving as they join lengths of tubing outside to move water from the tap to the other end of the garden.

Children play alone, in pairs and in larger groups. Adults support their choices and ensure all children receive adult interaction in their play. This means children are developing a positive approach to learning through play and exploration.

Children's confidence and resilience are very well supported. Close partnerships with parents mean that all adults in the setting know the children very well. This, and an effective key-person system, results in children developing strong emotional confidence and independence, preparing them for school.

Overall, staff support children in leading a healthy lifestyle. Children know to put on sunscreen before going outside and ask for water when they are thirsty. Some specific activities are planned to help children think about the wider world and how we can take care of it.

For example, a 'beach' is set up outside and children remove pieces of silver foil from the sand. They explain that we need to keep the fishes safe and take our rubbish home. However, this attention to the environment is not applied to their immediate surroundings.

Opportunities within the daily routine for children to learn to tidy up and keep their play space safe are not developed. As a result, children are not learning to keep themselves and others safe, and respect for toys and equipment is not encouraged.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The setting has a robust recruitment process which is implemented consistently. The setting works closely with the local authority should any concerns arise. All staff are aware of the possible causes for concern and the actions they should take if concerns arise.

A schedule of online training also ensures that staff knowledge is current and of a good standard. A clear system is in place to ensure children with allergies are kept safe.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: continue to improve the consistency of teaching so that all staff use a range of higher level interactions that encourage children to draw on their existing knowledge and experience, and think critically nuse teaching moments in the routine to encourage children to take care of their immediate environment and develop their awareness of how to keep themselves and others safe.

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