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Wrenthorpe Health Centre, Wrenthorpe Lane, Wrenthorpe, Wakefield, Yorkshire, WF2 0NL
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are engaged and interested in the wide range of opportunities that staff provide for them. Staff provide opportunities for children to develop their physical skills.
Children use the muscles in their legs to push themselves along in wheeled toys or to climb in and out of the large sandpit. Staff sensitively support children as they try to balance across blocks. Furniture and equipment are skilfully organised to support children who are transitioning from crawling to walking.
Staff create an environment that is rich in language. They say 'splash splash' as children bang their hands in the water. Children say 'd...uck' and staff say 'blue duck'.
This increases the number of words children hear. Staff regularly introduce nursery rhymes into play. For example, they sing 'Five Little Ducks' as children play in the water.
Children are starting to repeat some of the words in familiar songs, such as 'quack quack'. Children develop a wide range of vocabulary from an early age.Staff encourage children to share their toys as they play in the water.
They encourage children to play alongside each other. As children tidy up their toys, staff praise them. Children learn what is expected of them and follow the nursery routine with ease.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager and staff create a varied curriculum that builds on what children already know and can do. Staff know children well and consider children's interests when deciding what they want them to learn next. This helps children to stay engaged in their learning.
Staff support children's mathematical development. They regularly count with children as they play. They point out shapes in the outdoor area and say words such as 'float' and 'sink' as children play in the water.
Children learn simple mathematical concepts.Children are well prepared for school. Staff provide opportunities for children to develop their independence and social skills.
At lunchtime, children wash their hands, pour their own water and hand out knives and forks. By the time children leave the nursery, they are ready for this next stage.Staff ask children questions to encourage them to think.
For example, while reading a book, staff ask questions about the characters to encourage children to recall what they have previously learned. However, during child-led play, staff do not always encourage children to think critically by asking more open questions.Staff provide children with a wide range of experiences to develop their knowledge of the world.
Children taste, touch, smell and listen to different objects and food. They learn about their local community and the cultures of their friends. Children develop an understanding of the world around them.
Children who need additional support are well supported by staff. They plan small-group or individual sessions for children with delayed language and communication skills. This provides focused time to help children to catch up with their peers.
Parents say that their children have built lovely relationships with the warm and caring staff. They say that their children have improved their communication skills and have made friends. Parents feel supported to help their child at home and say that communication from staff is very good.
The manager observes staff practice and plans training based on what she has observed. When the manager or staff attend training, they disseminate this to the rest of the team. For example, the manager has shared training that helps staff to support children's communication and language skills.
This is helping staff to introduce more vocabulary to help children make further progress.Supervision and coaching processes are in place and staff say that they feel well supported. The manager has a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of staff practice.
However, this is not yet ensuring that the quality of teaching is of a consistently high quality across the whole nursery.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a good understanding of the signs that a child may be suffering from harm or abuse.
They keep robust records and ensure that any concerns are immediately acted upon. This ensures that any concerns are swiftly acted upon if needed. The manager regularly shares updated information from the local safeguarding partnership to ensure that staff always have a current and good understanding of their safeguarding responsibilities.
The manager has systems in place to ensure that all those caring for children are suitable to do so. This ensures that children are safe and secure at the nursery.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: provide further opportunities for children to develop their critical thinking skills develop existing coaching and mentoring processes to improve the consistency of the quality of teaching.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.