Littleton Pre-school

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About Littleton Pre-school

Name Littleton Pre-school
Ofsted Inspections
Address The Hall Way, Littleton, WINCHESTER, Hampshire, SO22 6QL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is inadequate

Significant weaknesses in leadership and management at the pre-school affect children's safety and well-being.

However, children arrive happily and separate from their parents with ease. They find their names and peg them on the rack in the main playroom and find an activity to take part in. Staff help children to settle and focus on their happiness.

Staff set up activities, including construction and writing areas. Children freely access the available resources. However, these do not link to next steps in the children's development.

Children have a good understanding of routines. For example, they know ...they must put their shoes under their chairs at group time. They also return their cups and plates to the trolley after snack.

Children have access to fresh air and exercise. They hold on to hoops and walk to the nearby mounds in the open area. Staff play games where children roll down the hills.

However, staff do not complete checks prior to this to ensure that the area is safe.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Designated safeguarding leads do not have a secure understanding of the procedures to follow if they have concerns about adults working with children. Committee members have not had checks completed to ensure their suitability.

This does not safeguard children and has an impact on their personal development.The committee does not have effective oversight of the pre-school. Although supervision takes place, this does not result in support or sustained improvement to the provision.

Consequently, leadership and management are poor.Management and staff do not implement effective health and safety procedures to protect children. For example, bananas are not always cut appropriately to prevent choking.

Children are not consistently reminded of safety rules, such as walking in the building or carrying scissors safely. This does not create a safe environment for children.Although staff have identified that some children's development is not where it should be, referrals are not always made.

In addition, staff do not put in place targeted plans to help the children progress. This does not ensure that children receive the support they need at the earliest opportunity.Although the manager and staff know that children attend other settings, they do not always make contact with them or follow up if they receive no response.

This does not ensure that the setting is safe and efficiently managed, and the needs of all children are met.The manager does not have a secure understanding of how to plan a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Although staff provide a variety of activities and resources, these are not planned carefully enough to build on children's existing knowledge and skills.

As a result, children do not make the progress they are capable of.Staff do not consistently create an inclusive culture that is responsive to children's needs. For example, during some adult-led activities, staff do not include all of the children who want to join and show an interest in the play.

At times, children ask repeatedly for a turn but are not invited to have one. This leaves children discouraged and does not motivate them to learn.Children help staff set the tables for meals.

They excitedly announce to the group that it is time for snack. This helps to develop their confidence and independence. Children understand the need to wash their hands before snack time.

They competently use the portable water dispenser complete with integrated soap. This helps children to understand the importance of healthy lifestyles.Parents have positive relationships with staff and comment that they are nurturing.

The manager and staff update the online platform with children's significant achievements. However, staff do not ensure that all parents are aware of their children's planned next steps in their development. This does not help parents to support their children's learning at home.


The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date ensure that the designated safeguarding leads have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the safeguarding procedures and are able to fulfil their role 27/03/2024 ensure that Ofsted is provided with the necessary information to carry out suitability checks on all members of the registered body 27/03/2024 ensure that the committee has sufficient oversight of the provision and provides appropriate support to managers and staff 27/03/2024 implement robust arrangements for risk assessment so that children are not exposed to risks 10/04/2024 develop knowledge and understanding of how to access sources of support, advice and assessment for children with SEND, in order to take swift action where appropriate and ensure that all children make the best possible progress 27/03/2024 develop partnership working with other settings that children attend, to support continuity and consistency in children's learning 27/03/2024 improve planning and assessment to ensure that children's next steps in their development are precise and teaching meets the needs of all children.


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