Mighty Oaks @ Cirencester Primary

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About Mighty Oaks @ Cirencester Primary

Name Mighty Oaks @ Cirencester Primary
Address Cirencester Primary School, Victoria Road, Cirencester, GL7 1EX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff collect younger children from their classrooms while older children make their own way to the hall where the club operates.

They arrive at the club eager to share what they have done during the day with staff. Children know where to put their bags and coats, then head off to see what activities are available for them.Some children choose a painting activity, and are keen to show staff the picture they have made of a poppy.

Younger children head for the dressing-up clothes. They become engrossed in their play with others. They use their imaginations well as they build a storyline into their play.

They dress a...s nurses and use the pretend stethoscope to see what is wrong with the teddy bear. They involve staff in their play, getting them to hold the bear and help 'make it better'.Outdoors, children also have plenty of choice about what and how they want to play.

Staff sensitively redirect children's actions to make sure resources do not get lost. For example, they suggest aiming the frisbee away from the nursery's outdoor area, as they cannot get it back if it lands over the fence.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Managers and staff plan a range of different activities for the children, indoors and outdoors.

They know what interests the children and use this to help plan exciting activities that the children enjoy. Staff have added to the activities and resources to reflect children's changing needs and interests. For example, they have added superhero costumes to the dressing-up items and provided more messy play activities.

Children enthusiastically experiment with a flour and water mix. They use funnels to transfer liquids between different containers and make marks with their fingers.The leaders and managers reflect well on staff practice and what the club offers.

They monitor staff well, making sure staff not only keep up to date with changes to legislation and safeguarding but also develop their skills and gain qualifications. Staff regularly share ideas at staff meetings. They say that they appreciate the support, guidance and help they receive and love working at the club.

Staff interact well with the children, supporting them to take turns as they play a chasing game outdoors. Staff stay nearby to make sure children are safe and celebrate with them when they catch the others. They help children to accept when others win, or do not want to have a go.

Children learn to respect others' opinions and take turns well.Staff support children's behaviour well. They show children that they respect their views and if something is not possible, they provide explanations.

For example, when children want to get the bicycles out, staff explain that as the school netball club is using the playground, they cannot have them out now. Staff offer alternative outdoor activities and encourage children to join in with their friends. These sensitive interventions help children manage their emotions and feelings well.

Children can choose when they want to eat their healthy snack. Staff include a selection of fruit and vegetables, sandwiches, savoury biscuits and breadsticks. They encourage children to drink plenty of water and provide a water dispenser and cups for children to access independently.

Children know to wash their hands before sitting down to eat and to clear away the plates and cups afterwards. Some children bring snacks in from home. Staff make sure they talk with children and parents about healthy food choices.

The staff have excellent relationships with parents, the school and others who care for the children. They share information with others, including for children who speak English as an additional language. Parents feel that staff listen to them and their children and keep them safe.

They comment favourably on the variety of activities their children can do at the club and how much their children enjoy coming.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have secure knowledge of safeguarding.

They know how and when to refer concerns about the welfare of children or allegations about staff. Staff make sure that the premises are safe and secure, as they are open after the school has shut. They have an alert on the setting's mobile phone that lets them know when parents arrive to collect their children.

Staff escort children to the main entry door to hand them over to parents. The manager and staff talk with children about how they can help keep themselves safe while playing and when out and about. Children gain confidence in managing risks and build resilience.

Also at this postcode
Cirencester Primary School

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