Miss Daisy’s Nursery School Hyde Park

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About Miss Daisy’s Nursery School Hyde Park

Name Miss Daisy’s Nursery School Hyde Park
Ofsted Inspections
Address The Long Garden St Georges Field, Albion Street, London, W2 2AX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Westminster
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children flourish due to the excellent standard of education and nurturing relationships they receive at this exceptional nursery. Parents and carers have lots of wonderful, positive things to say about the nursery.

They comment that they are privileged to have such an incredible nursery available to their children. Parents appreciate the highly stimulating and nurturing environment. Staff provide motivating activities across all areas of the the curriculum, which spark children's interests, especially in the natural world.

For example, children access an exciting curriculum in a large outdoor space, complete wi...th a wormery, vegetable patch, campfire and a climbing tree.Children are eager to engage with all of the interesting activities on offer and sustain high levels of concentration. There is so much for them to do and explore, indoors and outdoors, especially when visiting the woodland area.

Children develop physically and strengthen their knowledge and understanding of the world, such as they make their morning toast on the fire pit outside. They are extremely confident and independent as they excitedly dash to get there to have their turn. Staff captivate children's imaginations and explore their new ideas through high-quality interactions and teaching.

For instance, children enjoy finding birds' eggs and building a nest at forest school. All staff have high expectations and are very committed to children's learning and well-being. They are dedicated in helping children to achieve the best from whatever their starting points in learning are.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The nursery has a calm and positive atmosphere, due to the excellent relationships staff have with the children. Children behave exceptionally well and learn to be kind and help others. Staff deal with any unwanted behaviour between children in a sensitive manner.

Leaders provide a wealth of exceptional opportunities to enhance children's understanding of the wider world. Children take pleasure in visits to the theatre and art galleries. During the Queen's Jubilee, children enjoyed having a high tea with the Queen's guards and visited the household cavalry.

Staff carefully consider the many dialects and languages which children speak in the nursery. They ensure that the learning environment reflects the cultures of all families. Staff and children learn simple phrases in these languages.

This helps children to feel that they belong and are valued.Staff use their assessments effectively and have an in-depth understanding of children's development. They are highly skilled at spotting children who need help with their learning and swiftly put effective support in place to remedy any gaps in their learning.

Leaders work with parents and a range of professionals and ensure that children get the expert help which they need.Staff model mathematical vocabulary to children with precision. Children learn about capacity when they play in the sand and water.

They explore, experiment and investigate how much a container can hold before it becomes full.Children develop high levels of independence. For example, they learn to prepare the morning snacks.

Children learn about being healthy, and develop and practise physical skills, such as climbing and coordination. They balance on different beams and learn to take risks in a carefully supervised and safe way. Staff are skilled at building children's confidence in trying out new activities that they have not come across before.

The partnership that the nursery has with parents and carers is very strong. Parents are kept regularly informed and take an active part in their children's learning. Staff support them to know what to do to enhance their children's learning at home.

Leaders have a strong understanding of what the nursery's strengths are and what needs to improve. They have high aspirations for all groups of children and their families. By the time children leave nursery, they are well prepared for the next stage in their education.

Children are provided with lots of activities to learn about the world. Staff arrange for speakers to visit to talk to children about different cultures and faiths. Children learn about festivals, such as Diwali and Eid.

Leaders and staff have a very strong vision for the future of the nursery. They strive to provide high levels of education and care for all children by having strong values, policies and good practice in place.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff give safeguarding the highest priority in this nursery. Children's safety, welfare and well-being are at the heart of their work. Staff have regular training that keeps them well informed and are aware of potential risks.

They are vigilant and know how to raise and report concerns. Leaders provide guidance and support for parents to help them safeguard children when they are online. Staff conduct regular checks of the premises each day and all staff are first-aid trained.

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