Monk Fryston Play Safe Club

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About Monk Fryston Play Safe Club

Name Monk Fryston Play Safe Club
Address Hambleton Playsafe Club, Community Centre, Old Vicarage Lane, Monk Fryston, LEEDS, LS25 5EA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthYorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy their time at this friendly club. They thrive in the care of the considerate staff, who provide a safe and nurturing environment.

Staff collect children from school. Children are eager to tell staff about their day. Children's safety is paramount as they move from the school to the club.

Staff gain children's attention by clapping out simple patterns for children to repeat. This helps children to maintain their attention and focus on the short journey to the club. Children have positive attitudes towards their play.

For example, children relish the abundance of opportunities to engage in ...physical activities outdoors. They develop their large-muscle skills, spatial awareness and coordination as they run, jump, climb and play football. Children squeal with delight as they chase each other in tag games outside.

Children's behaviour is good. They say please and thank you without any prompting. Children politely ask when they want to leave the table after snack.

Staff are good role models. They are patient and gentle and encourage children to talk through their emotions when any minor disputes occur. Currently, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, parents are not encouraged to enter the premises.

However, staff greet parents warmly and share pertinent information about their child's day with them.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager is committed to evaluating the club. This helps to ensure she is constantly developing the setting.

Parents contribute their ideas and views through regular questionnaires. The manager uses this information to make improvements. For instance, the club have recently introduced healthier foods at snack time.

Children concentrate well and show good small-muscle skills while making their paper aeroplanes. They carefully fold their paper and decorate the wings on the aeroplane. They send it off into the sky to 'take people on holiday'.

Children work well together. For instance, they take it in turns to carefully measure out the ingredients to make play dough. Each child adds a different essence to the play dough.

They describe the orange essence as 'delicious'.Overall, partnerships with parents are good. Parents describe the staff as welcoming, professional, and as always having a smile.

They feel they are kept up to date with what the children are doing through a private social media site. However, the manager does not share sufficient information with parents on safeguarding practice in the club. For example, some parents do not know that electronic devices, such as smart watches, are not permitted in the club.

All children have access to a range of activities throughout the sessions. Children can suggest activities for the following day or request activities that they have previously enjoyed. This ensures that children can make choices about their learning and take an active role in planning the sessions.

The manager conducts regular supervision sessions with staff. This helps to identify areas for development. Staff can access additional online training to improve their knowledge and skills.

This supports them to deliver high-quality care for children.Children report that they enjoy the time they spend at the club. They like many of the activities.

For instance, they enjoy jumping on the pogo sticks, making models from the play dough and playing with their friends. Children say they feel safe in the club and confidently talk through the evacuation procedure.Older children thoroughly enjoy taking on roles which give them a sense of responsibility.

For example, older children are eager to be 'drinks monitors' at snack time, diligently ensuring that all younger children have a drink.Staff support children to develop their independence skills. Children are encouraged to hang up their own coats and bags on arrival from school.

The praise from staff contributes to children's high levels of confidence and self-esteem.Staff offer children a range of healthy foods at snack time. Children follow good hygiene routines.

For instance, children wash their hands on arrival and before eating.There is an effective two-way flow of information between staff and the teachers at the school which children attend. This helps staff to know if anything might affect the children during their time after school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff understand their roles and responsibilities in keeping children safe. They recognise the signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is at risk of harm.

Staff know the procedures to follow and understand broader safeguarding issues, such as witchcraft and breast ironing. Effective procedures are in place for the safe recruitment and induction of staff. This ensures that staff are suitable to work with children.

Staff deploy themselves effectively. This helps ensure children are supported and kept safe. The building is secure, and visitors sign into the club.

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