Mr Wobbles Day Nursery

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About Mr Wobbles Day Nursery

Name Mr Wobbles Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 17 Gloucester Road, Kidsgrove, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire, ST7 1EH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Staffordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision requires improvement The curriculum covers all areas of learning, both indoors and outdoors. However, it lacks depth in some areas. Leaders have not taken steps to ensure the curriculum is sufficiently challenging across all areas of learning for the children who attend.

They have also not ensured that all children receive the timely support they require in their care and/or learning. These weaknesses impact on children's ability to flourish at the nursery. That being said, children are happy and settled.

Younger children enjoy story time. They eagerly copy some of the sounds that staff make as they read stories to them. Some children join in... with repeated refrains from stories and familiar rhymes.

Older children undertake responsibilities as they 'risk assess' the outdoor area. Equipped with a high-visibility jacket, a pen and a clipboard they make checks on the equipment. They put resources back where they belong and 'stamp' the floor as if to check it is safe.

Once the risk assessment is completed and they have ticked a box to say they have checked all areas, they tell their peers it is safe to 'come outside'. Children enjoy being outside. Older children climb up the steps to the slide and climb on the obstacle course with ease.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have not ensured their curriculum is ambitious enough for all children. In addition, staff do not always use what they know about the children's current stage of development to plan specific and targeted next steps to build upon what they already know and can do. This has an impact on the progress children are able to make across all areas of learning.

The arrangements in place for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities requires improvement. This is because leaders and staff do not act swiftly enough when they identify potential concerns in a child's development. Consequently, these children do not receive the right level of support they require early enough to fully thrive in their development.

Staff comment positively about the support they receive from leaders. The management team observe staff and provide some feedback to them on ways they can improve. Staff are also provided with opportunities to attend training to help improve their knowledge.

However, leaders have not evaluated staff practice well enough with an aim to improve the quality of teaching and learning that children receive.Parents eagerly provide their positive experience about the nursery. They comment that staff are very friendly and caring.

Parents also share that leaders provide them with all the support they need in their role as parents. Staff offer lots of play-and-stay sessions for parents to attend. They regularly share observations and information with parents, providing activities for them to do at home with their child.

Hygiene practice is inconsistent. Some staff do not support children to learn how they can keep themselves healthy or clean. For example, there are occasions where children are not encouraged to clean their hands before mealtimes.

That being said, the nursery provides a range of balanced meals for children, which they thoroughly enjoy. Children also have lots of opportunities to get physical outdoors.Leaders place focus on supporting children's personal, social and emotional development.

They tailor settling-in sessions to each child's needs. They also have in place effective systems for children to transition through the nursery. This approach is successful in enabling strong bonds to be formed between children and their key person.

The chef actively asks about children's dietary requirements as she prepares their meals. Children feed themselves independently and staff are generally on hand to support them where required.Staff know the children in their care well and they provide them with lots of opportunities to learn about themselves and others.

Leaders are keen for children to learn about their similarities and differences. Consequently, older children are respectful towards others.Staff display lots of positive attitudes towards children as they deal with any minor incidence of behaviour.

Children are consistently reminded about the nursery's rules as required. They behave well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have improved the arrangements in place for recruitment since their last inspection. They ensure they seek references and complete an enhanced criminal records check on all staff. Leaders have also put in place effective systems to check staff's ongoing suitability.

Staff demonstrate knowledge of the different signs/symptoms that may indicate a child is at risk of harm. They are aware of the action they should take if concerned about the suitability of another member of staff. Leaders ensure they receive parental consent before they post photos or videos of children online.

Risk assessments are effective to ensure that the setting is safe and secure.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date implement effective arrangements for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities to ensure they receive support in a timely manner 31/05/2023 develop the curriculum to ensure it is ambitious and sufficiently challenging for all children 31/05/2023 improve the use of planning, to ensure that children are set targeted, specific and meaningful learning opportunities that build on what they already know and can do.31/05/2023 To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nincrease staff awareness of how they can promote consistent hygiene practice, so children learn how they can keep themselves healthy and clean monitor staff and evaluate their practice more precisely with an aim to improve the quality of teaching and learning that children receive.

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