Mrs B’s @ Barley Fields

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About Mrs B’s @ Barley Fields

Name Mrs B’s @ Barley Fields
Address Barley Fields Childrens Centre, Lamb Lane, STOCKTON-ON-TEES, Cleveland, TS17 0QP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Stockton-on-Tees
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are excited to arrive at the club after their busy school day. They are welcomed by staff as they arrive and are quick to hang up their coats and sit down.

Staff know children exceptionally well. They provide a welcoming and friendly environment and form secure and trusting relationships with children. Children are extremely happy at the club.

They laugh together and talk among themselves as they play.Children are extremely confident and have fantastic social skills. They are eager to speak to visitors at the club and voice their opinions.

For example, children are keen to tell visitors what they like to at club and show them their favourite activities. Children wait patiently and put their hands up to speak during 'show and tell'. They happily share what they have been doing during the school day and show the lanterns they have made.

Children's behaviour is exemplary. The skilled staff have the highest expectations of all children, and routines are well embedded at the club. Children listen to staff and respond to instructions well.

They show high levels of respect towards their peers and the staff. Children wear their 'mentor' badges around their necks with pride and tell visitors about their positive behaviour.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The management team has a clear, ambitious vision for the club.

Managers are knowledgeable, and enthusiastic and lead a particularly strong staff team. Managers prioritise staff well-being and carry out termly appraisals and supervision sessions to develop their practice. Staff say that they love working at the club and feel very well supported in their roles.

The management team is passionate about providing the best possible opportunities for children. The team values the input that it receives from children, staff and parents.Children enjoy being part of their local community.

Staff arrange visits from the local residential home, which gives children wonderful opportunities to engage with the older generation. Children take part in raising money for charities and learn about people who are less fortunate than themselves. This means children learn to appreciate people and ways of life that are different from their own.

Children enjoy many opportunities to be physically active at the club. Older children have access to the school playground and field, where they enjoy football and running games. Younger children have access to a well-resourced secure outdoor area.

They race around on ride-on toys and trikes, seeing who can go the fastest and strengthening their muscles.Managers and staff have very strong partnerships with teachers in the host schools. Teachers share relevant information with staff about children each day.

Staff pass on messages from schools to parents. They find out about topics children are covering in class, and plan further activities at the club for continued learning. Teachers at the host school value the partnership they have with the club.

They say children are excited to attend and all receive a warm, personal greeting when staff collect them.Managers and staff form strong and positive relationships with parents. Parents are extremely complimentary about the club and praise the staff.

They say their children always come home from the club happy with lots of stories to tell. Parents like the online booking system and value the high level of communication and support they receive from the club.Staff encourage children to develop their independence and self-help skills well.

They develop an environment where children can independently access a range of resources and activities. Children enjoy the responsibility of undertaking tasks, such as washing their hands and serving themselves at snack time.Managers and staff provide excellent support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

They work together with parents and teachers to ensure that children have the appropriate support. Parents say that their children's specific needs are met well by the supportive and understanding staff.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The management team demonstrate an understanding of safeguarding policies and procedures. Managers confidently explain how they keep staff up to date with information and training. The manager shares safeguarding information and updates with staff during team meetings and discussions.

Staff are confident about the procedures they must follow if they are concerned about the welfare of a child. They know the signs of abuse and neglect and to be alert to all safeguarding issues and whistle-blowing procedures. Children are always supervised, and staff support children to keep themselves safe at the club.

All members of staff complete risk assessments to ensure that any hazards are identified and removed. There are robust recruitment procedures in place. This helps to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children.

Also at this postcode
St Therese of Lisieux Catholic Primary School, A Voluntary Catholic Academy Ryandale Playgroup Barley Fields Primary

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