Muddy Boots ’Snowdrop Cottage’

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About Muddy Boots ’Snowdrop Cottage’

Name Muddy Boots ’Snowdrop Cottage’
Ofsted Inspections
Address Memorial Hall, Bexhill Road, Ninfield, East Sussex, TN33 9EE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority EastSussex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children and their families are at the heart of this unique and exceptional setting. On arrival, children are welcomed by enthusiastic staff, who encourage learning immediately.

Staff place signs on the path suggesting that children 'count down the steps' to Muddy Boots adventures. Children enter eager and excited to see their friends. They settle immediately to explore the wide range of high-quality activities and opportunities that are purposefully planned to spark their curiosity and fire their imagination.

Children delight in creating models with 'sticks and peas' outside, remaining intently focused and engaged. They excitedly talk about what they have made, describing their models as like a 'supernova'. They are incredibly motivated and sustain very high levels of concentration.

Children thrive in a language rich environment, tailored to their individual needs, talents, and interests. Staff's interactions with children are outstanding. Children are extremely happy and nurtured in this excellent setting.

Children's behaviour and attitudes are exemplary. For example, children immediately go to help their friends and share their toys. At lunchtime, they explain that their friends are 'dairy free' and make sure that their lunch is checked and safe.

Children understand about their friends needs and are inclusive and positive about these. For example, they talk about friends who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and how they make sure they support them. They have consistently very high levels of respect for each other.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Since the last inspection, the manager and staff have made significant improvements. They ensure that the environment outdoors is safe and secure. They have implemented regular safety checks to ensure the provision is risk assessed and any hazards or risks are minimised.

They have invested in new outdoor resources such as matting to ensure the areas where children play and explore are safe. They have reflected on the practice and provision significantly to ensure it is the best it can be.Children are provided with a plethora of opportunities to learn about the natural world around us and to respect and value it.

They plant trees in the local community with residents and staff actively encourage community-based experiences. For example, they have an allotment and use this to teach children about growing their own vegetables. Children explain that 'their field' opposite the setting where they pick blackberries, will soon have houses on it and express their concern that 'the trees and plants will be gone'.

Parents report that the setting is 'magical' and that they could not replicate the 'incredible' experiences that their children get at home. They talk very highly of the support they receive. They say that the setting 'goes above and beyond'.

For example, they explain that to support children to settle in, staff come to their homes to meet them, and go on walks together. They talk about the excellent communication they receive to support their children's learning at home.The manager is inspirational in her approach to young children's learning.

She is highly supportive of her staff and actively encourages staff to develop their knowledge and skills. For example, she funds additional qualifications and seeks out high quality continuing professional development opportunities to ensure their practice continues to be the very best it can be. She is proactive in seeking support and partnerships with external agencies and the Local Authority, who have supported the setting incredibly well.

Staff support all children exceptionally well. They are intently focussed on children as individuals. Children with SEND are incredibly well supported.

Staff have undertaken a range of training to help them offer highly effective support. For example, children who do not talk when they start at the setting become confident and fluent speakers.Staff continually reflect on the needs of their children and provide an environment which meets their needs exceptionally well.

They ensure that their practice and provision supports children to the highest level possible. Children delight in finding different ways to make capes when playing 'Batman' and this is actively encouraged by adults. They support children to think of different materials they could use and how they could attach them.

Staff know how important it is to develop a love of reading and provide an environment that is incredibly language rich. Opportunities for children to immerse themselves in stories and reading are plentiful. Children delight in settling down on their stomachs to join in with story time.

Exciting opportunities to encourage a love of reading are embedded throughout the setting. Every space is enriched to support curiosity and imagination.Children's own cultures and languages are incredibly well valued.

Families are invited to share the languages that they speak at home along with their heritage. Children record stories in their home languages, and these are shared with all the families and displayed. This supports children's well-being and encourages high levels of confidence.

Staff have incredibly high expectations of children. They entice, interest, and motivate them. They offer cuddles and love.

They encourage children to be resilient and incredibly independent. For example, at snack time, children set things up and serve themselves, using large tongs. They take their own snacks to the table, wait for their friends, and clear their things away.

Children help each other to get their wellies on later when going outside, balancing carefully and ensuring all their friends can do it too.Staff are excellent role models, playing alongside children and nurturing their interests and fascinations. They plan and sequence a curriculum that builds on children's knowledge, challenges them and extends their learning.

Children make exceptional progress in their language, reading and mathematical knowledge. Staff are highly effective in developing children's creativity. For example, children can independently explore an extensive range of art and craft resources and outdoor recycled materials to build with.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff support children very well to identify and manage risk for themselves. Children explain how they use the large spades outside for digging safely.

Leaders and managers take their responsibilities seriously. They ensure the processes for the recruitment, vetting and ongoing suitability of staff are robust and effective. Staff know exactly what to do if they are concerned about a child or a colleague, and who to go to for further advice and support.

Staff undertake daily risk assessments to ensure the premises inside and outside are safe. Leaders and managers are incredibly reflective of their safeguarding practices, ensuring all children are safe and secure. Leaders and managers ensure staff have regular opportunities for effective supervision.

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