Muddyboots Camps

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About Muddyboots Camps

Name Muddyboots Camps
Address St Matthews C Of E Infant School, Downside Road, Downside, Cobham, KT11 3NA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy to attend and are eager to take part in a range of stimulating activities. They enjoy their time at this friendly and welcoming club. Children are aware of the rules and boundaries within the setting as staff have high expectations for their behaviour.

For instance, children know to use 'walking feet' indoors. They play cooperatively and show respect for one another. Children engage well with the staff and concentrate on their chosen tasks, such as building with bricks.

Children persevere as they connect bricks and show great satisfaction in the structures they make. Children show positive attitudes to p...lay, they giggle in delight as they use a wide range of materials to make a superhero character. Children display great pride in their completed pieces of artwork as they share them with the staff.

Children fully absorb themselves in imaginative play. For example, they enjoy dressing up as superheroes. They pretend to fly around the garden and take on the role of superheroes.

Children thoroughly enjoy being physically active. They learn to work together as a team, such as when playing parachute games. Children coordinate their movements so they do not have accidents, and show extremely good awareness of each other's space.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The passionate manager leads a team of highly qualified staff. They all have incredibly high expectations for children and carry out their job roles effectively. Staff receive regular training to support their ongoing development.

They share their skills and new learning with the team. The manager invests highly in her staff team. Staff have regular opportunities to discuss their well-being.

They report feeling valued and say that they enjoy their work.Partnerships with parents are a strength of the setting. Parents know what their children have been up to each day, even though they cannot come into the setting due to COVID19 (coronavirus) restrictions.

Staff share information with parents to help them to understand how children's learning can be further supported at home. Parents are very complimentary about the setting. They comment that the staff know their children well, and are extremely happy with the care that their children receive.

Children enjoy being outdoors and spend time running, climbing, and exploring mud, sticks, and stones. They take part in a variety of physical activities, such as gymnastics. This helps to develop children's balance and coordination effectively.

Children enjoy going on nature walks to the nearby woods and visiting the local park. They thoroughly enjoy den building and having the opportunity to climb trees. This helps develop children's sense of responsibility and they learn how to manage their own safety.

Staff encourage children to understand healthy food choices. They provide an assortment of nutritious snacks. Children enjoy selecting their favourite fruit to eat and staff talk about these with them.

In addition, while children eat their packed lunch, staff encourage them to eat healthy foods first. This helps children to understand the importance of a balanced and healthy diet.Staff are extremely sensitive to children's emotional needs and take swift action to ensure children feel positive, secure and content.

They engage with children enthusiastically and hold in-depth conversations with children about their lives outside of the club. Children are confident communicators and share activities that they would like to take part in. For instance, children ask to play games, such as 'What's the time Mr Wolf?', they shriek with excitement as they chase their friends.

The manager asks staff, children and parents for their views. She has a clear vision of the strengths and of the areas for development of the setting. For example, the manager has identified that there is scope to give children richer experiences that enhance their understanding of people, families, and communities beyond their own.

Staff ensure they plan activities according to children's interests. They use the information available to identify the ages and needs of the children who attend. Staff discuss with children their favourite activities and take this into account in their planning.

Children say they really enjoy attending the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff use the robust safeguarding policies and procedures to underpin their daily practice.

The manager follows effective recruitment and vetting procedures to make sure that all staff are suitable and have the skills they need for their role. Staff demonstrate a secure understanding of procedures to keep children safe. They know the signs that may indicate a child is at risk of harm and how to identify and report concerns.

Staff manage and minimise risks effectively. They carry out daily rigorous checks of the setting and resources. Staff keep accurate records, for example of children's attendance and any accidents that occur, which helps to enhance children's safety.

Also at this postcode
St Matthew’s CofE Aided Infant School, Cobham Downside Nursery

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