Munchkins Sports Bullers Wood School for Boys Holiday Camp

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About Munchkins Sports Bullers Wood School for Boys Holiday Camp

Name Munchkins Sports Bullers Wood School for Boys Holiday Camp
Address Bullers Wood School For Boys, Chislehurst Road, Bromley, BR1 2NW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bromley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy their time at this welcoming camp. Staff are enthusiastic and friendly, and form positive relationships with children, supporting them to gain confidence and settle quickly.

Staff chat to children constantly, show a real interest in what they say and get to know them well. They use what they know about children to provide a broad range of engaging activities. Outdoors, children can use their large muscles to play netball-rugby.

There are opportunities to learn new skills, such as yoga to develop balance. These activities help to support children's physical development. Indoors, children access arts and craft...s and younger children have a designated area to read books and engage in role play.

All children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), build friendships and play cooperatively. Younger children enjoy familiar circle games, such as 'honey bears', when they arrive, which act as ice breakers. Older children enjoy working together in team building activities to move tyres from one area of the 'zone' to another.

Therefore, children build strong friendships while at the camp. Parents speak highly about the camp and are very happy with the care their children receive. They feel well informed and would recommend it to others.

Parents state that staff share information at the start of each day on arrival, and more information about their children's day on collection. This includes details about care routines and any accidents, for example.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager and staff team have clear aims to provide a camp in which children can relax in a safe space, make friends, learn new skills and increase their confidence.

The youngest children and children with SEND are supported well by staff throughout the day, especially during times when things can become a little overwhelming.There is a strong focus on providing children with a wealth of activities to try out. Children excitedly take part in activities, such as rugby, tennis and team building games, developing good control and coordination.

Children are enthusiastic, motivated and demonstrate a 'can-do' attitude. They know their own capabilities and embrace physical challenges, cheering their friends and providing support, eager to work together as a team.Children have opportunities to be creative and take part in a varied range of arts and crafts activities throughout their time at the camp.

For instance, they create the welcome banner at the beginning of camp. Children comment, 'It is their camp now.' Children concentrate and focus on painting pumpkins for Halloween.

Children have lots of opportunities to build on their independence skills. All children are reminded to take responsibility for their belongings and place them in the appropriate areas. Staff support the youngest children to build their confidence in learning a new skill and joining in activities.

Staff support children's physical well-being and understanding of healthy lifestyles well. Children are reminded to keep their water bottle close by to keep hydrated. They follow positive hygiene practices through daily routines and sociable snack and mealtimes.

Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour. At the start of each day, staff and children come together to discuss the club's rules and values. Staff use innovative ways to monitor children's understanding of the rules and the reasons why these are in place.

For example, children eagerly explain why the camp is a nut free zone. Children understand that rules are in place to keep them safe. Children engage positively during activities and are encouraged to tidy up after themselves to keep their environment safe.

They are praised for effort and achievement. This helps to build their self-esteem.Staff ensure that children play in a safe environment.

Access to the buildings is secure to keep children from harm. Risk assessments are carried out on all equipment and activities to ensure they are appropriate and safe for all children.Leaders regularly evaluate staff's knowledge and understanding of good practice.

Managers regularly assess staff's good practice and value their feedback regarding the sports activities on offer. Senior managers use this information to identify areas for their professional development. For example, managers complete regular assessments of the staff team to ensure the quality of staff interactions during activities remains at a very high standard.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff understand how to keep children safe. They supervise children effectively.

The management team ensure that staff have undertaken thorough training prior to starting with the camp. They have robust safer recruitment procedures to ensure staff are suitable to work with children. Staff carry out risk assessments and daily checks to ensure the safety of the premises.

Staff understand how to report any concerns they may have about children's welfare. They know the signs that may suggest a child is at risk of abuse. Staff know what to do if they are worried about the conduct of adults working with children.

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Bullers Wood School for Boys

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