Murdishaw West Pre-School Playgroup

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About Murdishaw West Pre-School Playgroup

Name Murdishaw West Pre-School Playgroup
Ofsted Inspections
Address Murdishaw West Cp School, Barnfield Avenue, Murdishaw, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 6EP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Halton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children happily enter the pre-school and are pleased to see their friends and key person. Staff understand that as a result of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, children have had limited opportunities to extend their physical development and emotional well-being.

Therefore, staff ensure that these aspect of children's learning are focused on as part of their intended curriculum. As a result, gaps in children's learning quickly close.Children are caring and kind to each other.

For instance, while playing outdoors, they notice when their friends have dropped their sun hat and thoughtfully return it to them. Children ...respond, saying 'thank you', without any prompts from adults. Children understand the pre-school routines well.

For example, at circle time they sit and eagerly listen to the adult. In addition, they wait their turn to call out their own name and select the correct picture cue card for the activity. Children are confident communicators.

For example, they can correctly answer staff's questions about the weather. These discussions also help children gain an understanding of how to keep themselves safe. For example, staff talk to them about how to protect their skin and bodies in hot weather.

Children experience mathematics through most activities. This includes counting out objects, using money in the role-play shop and as they go on shape walks. Children are encouraged to read by the staff.

For example, children are challenged to find the letters of their own names in a newspaper. Children wait with anticipation to hear and respond to the peekaboo part in a story. Younger children roar loudly as they imitate the dinosaur and keenly repeat words, such as 'splash' and 'chomp'.

Older children have a go at sounding out new words and write for a purpose. For example, as they attempt to write recipes for biscuits they baked.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

There is a clear and ambitious intent for the curriculum.

The curriculum is sequenced and, in the main, delivered well to help children build on their stages of development. As a result, children are actively engaged and involved in the activities and experiences provided for them. Consequently, all children, including those who are funded and those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities, make good progress from their unique starting points.

Staff support children's communication skills well. For example, they pause to check children's understanding as they ask them questions, and give children time to think and answer. Subsequently, children are eager to participate in discussions, confidently contribute their own ideas and build their vocabulary.

Staff play purposefully with the children and model language and expected behaviour well. For example, during a small-group activity, children look at a familiar book about farm animals. Staff encourage children to share a bag of story props with their friends.

Children patiently await their turn. In addition, staff encourage children to select animals from the bag and make the correct animal sound. As a result, children remain highly engaged and participate for extended periods of time.

Staff have access to a range of targeted, continuous professional development opportunities. Learning from these is used well to shape the curriculum and help them to close any emerging developmental gaps in children's learning. Staff say that they 'Really enjoy working at the pre-school' and that they are 'Very well supported' by leaders.

All parents testify to the progress their children have made as a result of attending the pre-school. Parents and carers say that they value the 'positive relationships' they have with leaders and staff. Where staff identify that children may need additional support, this is quickly shared with parents and plans put into place to get children the help and support they need.

Staff keep parents well informed about their child's progress and offer helpful advice, so parents can support their child's learning at home.Leaders have forged good links with the local school and other professionals who provide support for the children. For instance, staff facilitate older children's transition sessions to the local schools.

Staff use this time well to share important information about children's current learning needs. This important partnership working means children are very well prepared for the move to formal schooling.Children love to play outdoors.

However, staff do not always ensure that this is consistently offered to all children throughout the day. As a result, those children who prefer to learn outdoors have limited opportunities to explore and follow their own ideas for play.Children are encouraged to eat healthily and develop a positive attitude to care for their oral health.

Children have some opportunities to be independent. For example, they wash their own hands after using the toilet. However, at times, staff are too quick to step in and help children.

This means children do not have enough opportunities to have a go and extend their developing self-help and independence.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders and the staff team have attended safeguarding training.

They have a secure understanding of the local safeguarding processes and are able to identify and respond to any potential risks to children. Staff are clear about who to report to should they have concerns about the welfare of a child or a colleague's conduct. Staff are aware of a wide range of safeguarding topics, for example domestic abuse.

This further ensures children's safety. Children's safety is assured because all areas of the pre-school are safe and secure.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: provide more opportunities for outdoor play, so that children children who prefer to learn outdoors are sufficiently supported and challenged in their learning provide more opportunities for younger children to develop their self-help skills.

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