Nagila Pre-School

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About Nagila Pre-School

Name Nagila Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Edgware & Hendon Reform Synagogue, in Edgware, HA8 8AB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Barnet
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is outstanding • Staff know children remarkably well. Their warm, caring and nurturing approach helps children settle quickly and develop high levels of confidence and a very strong sense of belonging and self-worth. Children's behaviour is exemplary.

• Staff have very high expectations of what children can achieve and keep them highly motivated to ensure success. Children make outstanding progress in relation to their individual starting points and capabilities. They are exceptionally well prepared with the skills they need in readiness for school.

• Partnerships between parents and staff are superb. For example, staff make excellent use of the informatio...n they gather from parents, along with their ongoing observations, to plan exciting opportunities to help children make significant gains. • Staff offer children excellent opportunities to be involved in decision making.

Each week, children meet with their key persons and lead on discussions related to previous activities they have undertaken. Children superbly reflect on prior learning and evaluate what went well and what needs improving. They follow a voting system to make decisions.

They understand the process and respect the opinions of the majority of their friends' choices. • Managers consistently monitor the effectiveness of teaching and learning. They provide purposeful training to help staff develop their skills and to enable children to learn and flourish.

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