Nest In The Woods

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About Nest In The Woods

Name Nest In The Woods
Ofsted Inspections
Address Grappenhall 25th Scout Hut, Church Lane, Warrington, Cheshire, WA4 3EP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Warrington
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children relish having access to a natural outdoor learning environment within the forest school.

Expert staff deliver exciting experiences that some children may not experience anywhere else. Children show high levels of confidence and resilience, with a motivation to learn new skills. They truly thrive in this highly inspirational and safe learning environment.

Children feel confident to voice their feelings, knowing that they will be listened to. Staff are kind, gentle and encourage children to talk about and recognise what their bodies feel like. For example, children tell the staff that their tummies are ru...mbling and they are feeling hungry for some snack.

Children's behaviour is exemplary. They form exceptional relationships with each other and staff, who are nurturing role models. Children recognise the importance of understanding risk.

For example, children at the front of the group notice a broken fence while walking in the woods and call out to each other, shouting 'watch out for the broken fence'. Staff skilfully consider how the use of the environment and resources makes a powerful contribution to children's independence, well-being and learning. Children immerse themselves in their play.

They explore and experiment with enthusiasm. For instance, children climb the trees with confidence, on the lookout for others, while in the woods. This successfully helps children to develop their physical skills.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff provide outstanding teaching. Through a detailed understanding of children's progress, staff are able to expertly seize every opportunity to provide a wide range of activities that strengthen children's learning. Staff build superbly on what children already know and can do.

Children access an exciting, bespoke curriculum, delivered in a creative forest school environment. For instance, during a planned activity, staff invite children to help peel and core apples ready for snack. They talk about the colours and varieties of apples and where they come from.

Children have unlimited opportunities to access fresh air, green spaces and exercise. Staff place a strong emphasis on children's well-being. Children learn how to respect the environment they are playing in, by removing all traces of them having played there.

Children learn the importance of healthy eating and enjoy nutritious and balanced home-prepared packed lunches. This allows children to make healthier choices.Leadership and management are exceptional.

Staff receive precisely targeted support. Leaders promote a work-life balance and have invested in staff's well-being following the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, they have altered staff working hours to give them a greater quality of work-life balance.

The manager expertly tailors training to meet the needs of children. Staff speak passionately about upcoming training opportunities to continue to improve their practice.Children have high levels of respect for staff and each other.

They confidently approach staff, share and cooperate with each other. Children manage their own self-care well. For example, they independently wipe their own noses and then wash their hands.

Children offer each other praise and encouragement when carrying out tasks. For example, when they are balancing along a beam between trees, they call out chants to encourage their peers across. This gives children a sense of pride and achievement.

Staff provide excellent support for children's developing communication and language skills. Their interactions with children are thoughtful, timely and sensitive. Staff help to expand children's vocabularies by modelling language and introducing new words regularly.

For example, they talk to children about conkers. Children learn that conkers grow on horse chestnut trees and explain that the reason conkers have spikes around their shell is 'to stop predators eating them'.Partnerships with parents are a real strength of the nursery.

Parents enthusiastically share their views. They comment on the clear online communication systems in place to ensure they are part of their children's learning journey. Parents comment on the special ethos of the nursery.

They find all of the staff approachable and appreciate the hard work the team puts in to create outstanding opportunities for children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There are comprehensive risk assessments, which ensure children are kept safe while accessing the various outdoor areas of the forest school.

Staff encourage children to understand risks well and they identify them while out on their walk into the woods. Children's capabilities are assessed to ensure they are emotionally and developmentally ready to take part in any of the activities. Promoting children's safety and welfare is given the utmost priority at all times.

Staff have a comprehensive understanding of child protection issues and the procedures to follow to safeguard children. They understand the procedures to follow if they have any concerns about a child's welfare. There are rigorous recruitment, vetting and induction processes in place to ensure all staff employed are of the highest quality and suitable to work with children.

Also at this postcode
Grappenhall St Wilfrid’s CofE Primary School St Wilfrid’s Wasps Grappenhall

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