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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
The nursery is currently operating from its main hall. This is due to a recent water pipe burst and flood of the group rooms, which now require extensive repairs. The staff have successfully organised the large space into appropriate, welcoming areas for the babies, toddlers and pre-school children.
The children have quickly settled into the new play space and slightly adapted routines. There is a calm atmosphere, with children positively engaged in their learning. All children are very well behaved and kind to their friends.
Toddlers are supported by staff to learn how to share resources with other children and pre-sc...hool children, sometimes, use a sand timer to support their sharing. They use it to time each child's use of the equipment.The children really enjoy the way the age groups are currently organised.
Older babies are able to watch, learn and join in with their toddler friends. Pre-school children show empathy and care towards the babies and toddlers, when they join together for mealtimes. Staff are very vigilant and aware of the supervision required when children of different ages are mixing, which supports them to do this safely.
The nursery manager has kept drop-off routines under review as COVID-19 (coronavirus) restrictions changed. Currently, parents have the choice of leaving their child at the nursery doorway or coming into the building with them at drop-off time. Children who require comfort, readily receive cuddles and reassurance from staff.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The communication and language teaching is a real strength in this nursery. Staff have been trained to implement a listening for sounds programme. This provides a clearly structured curriculum, which supports all children to develop their listening ability and comprehension.
This provides the foundation for clear speech and future literacy skills. The staff model how children should pronounce sounds and words. Staff are very animated, their enthusiasm is infectious and engages toddlers and babies.
Stories are told with clear intonation and facial expressions, which keep children very engaged.Children are very independent. Toddlers and pre-school children clear their own plates at lunchtime and select their puddings.
They talk to the inspector and tell her what they like to eat. The children are helped to understand how to keep themselves and others healthy. They use hand gel at regular points in the day.
Some quite young children look in the mirror and skilfully wipe their own noses.The manager is passionate about how the provision operates. She insists on high standards.
She encourages staff to reflect on their teaching and identify how it can be improved further. She is very supportive of her staff's well-being and ensures unnecessary paperwork and screening of children is not undertaken. The staff say they really enjoy working at the setting and this is reflected in the happy, positive atmosphere.
The manager has identified what the curriculum should be for the children currently attending. In addition to communication and language skills, children are encouraged to develop their physical abilities and social skills. Staff are aware that children need to develop and control their large muscles before mastering finer movements.
Children use simple mathematical language in everyday play, as they are encouraged to hand the staff member one and then two large bricks.Staff have a clear understanding of the children's abilities and how they are building on these. They have identified children who need additional help and put targeted activities in place to support them to make progress.
They also identify those that are exceeding expectations for their age in some aspects of their development. They plan activities which extend the child's ability even further, while also supporting other aspects of their development.Parents praise staff's proactive management of children's food allergies and fussy eaters.
Several also explained that their child is receiving extra help with their speech and language development. They feel this has had a positive impact and say their child has 'come on in leaps and bounds'. The nursery staff and manager communicate with parents in a range of ways.
However, not all parents feel they have received information on how they could support their children's learning at home.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff understand their individual responsibility in safeguarding children.
They are clear how they should report any concerns and do so without hesitation, when this is necessary. They regularly refresh their safeguarding training to ensure their knowledge is up to date. Food hygiene and first-aid training are also completed by all staff.
This supports their understanding of how to keep children safe and what to do in an emergency. Changes have been recently made to the arrangements for the 'walking bus' that is used on the school run, to enhance the safety of the drop-off process.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nextend the information shared with parents about how they can support their children's learning at home.
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