PH Camps - St Barnabas Primary School

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About PH Camps - St Barnabas Primary School

Name PH Camps - St Barnabas Primary School
Address St. Barnabas School, Drove Lane, Market Lavington, Devizes, SN10 4NT
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy their time at this friendly and busy holiday camp. They receive a warm welcome from staff, who know them well. Children join in enthusiastically with a variety of activities.

There is an emphasis on physical activity but with plenty of opportunities for children to play quietly so that they can rest and enjoy their day. For example, they enjoy craft activities or building models with friends. Children may choose what to do, and say that they like this.

Each day, staff ask children, including the youngest and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), what they would like to do the follo...wing day. They accommodate children's wishes so that children feel valued. Staff interact warmly with children overall.

However, occasionally, they overlook new children who are less confident and sometimes on the edge of activities. Children are polite and behave well. They make new friends from different schools and look forward to playing with them during the holiday camps.

They play well together. For example, they discuss how they will build brick models. Children celebrate each other's achievements, but also develop resilience when things do not go so well.

For example, during an exciting hockey game, children remain good humoured, whether they win or lose. Children follow instructions, and they understand that boundaries are there to help to keep them safe.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children are busy all day with varied and enjoyable activities.

They practise skills that they have learned, such as using a range of sports equipment. Staff encourage children to talk about and develop their ideas, for example, as they create an Easter-themed story board.Occasionally, activities are less appropriate for the youngest children, such as a whole-group game of 'hangman', where they do not have the reading and writing skills that they need to join in.

The manager has not ensured that the key-person system is as effective as it could be in helping staff to build settled relationships with the youngest children, and in ensuring that activities for the youngest children are always appropriate and engaging.Staff support the needs of children with SEND well. They gather information from school, parents and other professionals to help them to fully understand each child's needs.

For example, they adapt their daily routine to prevent children from becoming anxious, and provide activities that particularly interest the children.Children behave well. Staff are good role models as they treat others with respect and kindness.

They have high expectations and positively reinforce how they expect children to behave. For example, staff encourage children to invite different children to join their game. Staff celebrate children's exuberance, while reminding them not to be too loud.

Children know that they can take time out in a quiet space if they are feeling anxious or frustrated. Children say that the holiday camp is a fun place to be.Staff supervise children well.

They make effective use of walkie-talkies to alert colleagues when children move between rooms or if they need additional support. Children know that they must always be in sight of a member of staff. All staff hold current paediatric first-aid certificates, so that they know what to do if a child has an accident or becomes unwell.

Parents speak very highly of the setting. They appreciate the caring staff and the wide range of activities. They say that staff give a detailed handover at the end of the day, and that managers seek their views through regular surveys.

Parents say that staff accommodate their children's needs, including those with SEND. Parents say that they value their children being cared for in a fun and safe environment, and that their children enjoy coming to the holiday camp.Staff recognise the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on some children's emotional and physical well-being.

They provide a safe and reassuring space for children. They encourage children to talk about their feelings and to develop good relationships with other children and adults at the camp. Staff build children's confidence and independence, which boosts their self-esteem.

Leaders have a clear vision for how the holiday camps will provide good-quality care and activities for the children. Staff complete a thorough induction process so that they understand the policies and procedures, and they implement these well. Managers use a comprehensive monitoring and coaching system to support staff's professional development.

Staff appreciate this and say that leaders support them well. They say that they enjoy working for the organisation.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders implement thorough recruitment procedures to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children. Staff understand their role in helping to keep children safe. They know children and their families well, and are alert to signs that children could be at risk of harm.

They are confident about the whistle-blowing procedure if they have concerns about a colleague's conduct. The manager is the designated safeguarding lead, and he knows the process that he must follow if he has any concerns about children's welfare. Leaders and staff discuss safeguarding scenarios and local safety issues at weekly staff meetings to update staff knowledge.

Also at this postcode
St Barnabas Church of England School, Market Lavington

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