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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Leaders and staff have ambitious expectations for every child. Children and their families are warmly welcomed into the nursery. Children and babies happily separate very easily from their parents and carers and play cooperatively with their friends as soon as they arrive.
Staff make children the centre of everything they do within the nursery. They demonstrate excellent levels of care and warmth towards every child. This supports children to feel safe, secure and ready to learn.
Children have a voice and are able to share their own opinions, thoughts and wishes. For example, they share their ideas in what they ...want for the garden and have conducted surveys of their friends to find the most popular story book. Children are curious and have a positive attitude to learning.
Staff allow children to lead their own play, and they skilfully offer support to extend this learning when appropriate. For instance, children decide they need to wash up their plates in the role play area like they do at snack time. Staff swiftly get water, washing up liquid and cloths so they can continue this activity.
Staff expertly teach children to understand their emotions. They use resources and regularly talk about how they feel, and they give children the words to describe this feeling.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders are inspirational.
They lead by example and enthuse and motivate the staff team, which shares the vision and strong values of the nursery. Leaders have a very high regard for the staff's emotional well-being. They have appointed a staff well-being 'champion', and ask staff to complete well-being questionnaires to help them to monitor this.
Staff report that they feel valued, respected and well cared for by leaders.Leaders have a consistently ambitious curriculum which is embedded across all areas of the nursery. Staff have high-quality interactions with every child.
They understand how children learn and develop. Staff build on what they already know about a child to deliver timely and sequenced next steps. This helps all children, including those with English as an additional language, to make rapid progress.
Staff skilfully allow children time to think and formulate ideas for themselves. The quality of teaching is outstanding.Leaders regularly review and analyse the progress that each child is making.
They monitor every child and each area of the curriculum to identify any gaps in learning. Leaders meet with staff to swiftly review these areas and plan activities that will address them. Leaders use additional funding effectively to target individual support needed for children.
This is monitored to check for impact and any changes are acted on swiftly to ensure children continue to make rapid progress.Parents report that they feel completely included in their child's life at nursery.They know the key person for their child and have built an excellent relationship with them.
Staff spend time with parents, learning about their child's individual care routines. This helps babies to form secure attachments with the key person. Parents regularly seek support, advice and guidance from the leaders and staff, and this is given without hesitation.
Staff support children to understand their differences and what makes them unique. For example, staff share family photographs with children so they can talk and discuss their own families with each other.Staff teach children how to keep themselves safe.
For instance, older children are asked about the fire evacuation procedures. Children confidently tell the staff and each other that they must take the register and walk to the assembly point at the bottom of the garden. The youngest children know to wait, hold hands and walk down the stairs when going to the garden.
Staff understand how to prepare children for their future success. They provide children with a rich set of experiences to develop their understanding of the community in which they live and the wider world around them. For example, children are taken on a bus to visit the shops, attend a German market and deliver shows to people from a local care home.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders and staff have a thorough understanding of how to keep children safe. They know when, and to whom, to report any concerns they have about a child or a member of staff.
Leaders regularly check this understanding using quizzes, room discussions and through the supervision process. Since the last inspection, leaders have updated their own knowledge around safer recruitment and have introduced systems to ensure that all new staff's suitability is checked through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) before they start work. Every staff member is regularly checked to ensure they remain suitable to work directly with children.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.