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About Partou Victoria Park Day Nursery & Pre-School
Victoria Park House, Albany Road, Birkenhead, CH42 4QJ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children show that they are happy, safe and secure at this welcoming setting. Leaders and the newly appointed manager plan and implement an exciting curriculum for all children.
They provide a wide range of learning opportunities, both indoors and outdoors. For example, when outdoors, staff support children to recreate the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. Children take great delight in looking for the bear.
Babies enjoy their time in the sensory room, where they inquisitively explore the sensory equipment to develop and engage all their senses. All children, including those with special educational needs and/or disa...bilities (SEND) and children in receipt of additional funding, make good progress in their learning. Children's communication and language skills are developing well.
Staff weave core stories and nursery rhymes throughout children's daily routines. Babies babble along and join in with the actions. Toddlers snuggle in with staff for their favourite story.
Staff support and build deep and meaningful conversations with children as they discuss topics that interest them. Staff introduce children to new words, such as 'camouflage', when discussing pirates and finding hidden treasure. Children are developing complex language structure and are confident communicators.
Staff set clear expectations for behaviour and encourage children's independence throughout their play and routines. For example, when moving from their playroom to the dining room, children know they need to stop at the connecting doors and wait for the headcount to be completed before they move on. Consequently, children behave well, they know and understand what is expected of them.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have placed great importance on building the staff team and are committed to improving their practice through continuous professional development. Additionally, staff receive a rigorous induction to help them understand their roles and responsibilities to deliver the curriculum. Leaders have ensured that all staff have access to online learning platforms to help them enhance their skills and knowledge.
All staff say they feel well supported and staff morale is high.Overall, staff manage children's routines of the day well. They provide children with information before routines change.
For example, babies are invited to have their nappy changed. Staff provide older children with verbal instructions and use sand timers to help them to understand that the routine is changing. However, at lunchtime some staff do not deploy themselves effectively to support younger children to develop and practise important life skills.
Staff plan many opportunities for children to develop their physical skills. For example, all children have daily access to the extensive soft-play area, where older children set up their own obstacle courses and team games. This helps them to develop their balance and spatial awareness.
Furthermore, staff provide babies and young children with a range of tools and equipment to help develop their small- and large-muscle strength.Partnerships with parents, carers and professionals are strong. Parents are extremely complimentary about the help and support they have received from the setting.
They talk about the positive impact this has had on the whole family. Parents frequently use the parent's room when settling in their children. This has helped them to make new friends and feel at ease when leaving their children for the first time.
Leaders and staff work closely with other professionals to ensure that gaps in children's learning, and any specific needs, are identified early and acted on quickly. This helps to ensure all children have the best possible start in life.Children's personal development is supported well.
Staff help children learn about the importance of keeping themselves healthy. Children grow their own fruit and vegetables, which they plan to cook and eat. This helps children to gain a real understanding of how food is produced.
Children understand the importance of handwashing and talk about the need to remove germs before eating.Staff teach children the language of feelings and emotions throughout their play and learning. Children show that they have secure attachments with the kind and caring staff.
When children struggle to understand how they are feeling, staff respond calmly and sensitively. They encourage children to explore how they are feeling through words, such as 'sad, upset' and 'angry'. Children are beginning to understand their own feelings and that of others.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nimprove staff deployment to effectively support children at lunchtimes.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.