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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Leaders' and staffs' expert knowledge of child development and how young children learn ensures that all children make exceptional progress from their starting points.
Staff use every opportunity during the day to enhance children's knowledge and skills. At snack time, two-year-old children discuss the shapes, colours and textures of the fruit they select. Pre-school children enjoy tasting new food and ask thought provoking questions, such as how a spring roll is made.
They consider how a large carrot can fit into the small cylindrical parcel. Children behave exceptionally well. Through staffs' skilful interacti...ons and encouragement, pre-school children learn to manage their feelings and resolve conflict.
Two-year-old children learn quickly what staff expect from them and embrace the daily routines. They have secure bonds with staff and show they are emotionally ready to learn.Leaders and staff provide children with an extensive range of enriching learning experiences.
This ensures that each child gains the skills they need in readiness for the next stage of their learning and school. Children gain confidence in a range of social situations. For example, leaders link with the local community to support children's understanding of health, local travel, local amenities including the church, care homes, schools and theatre.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders are inspirational and fully committed to continual improvement. They monitor the service they provide meticulously. This includes reviewing the quality of teaching and providing staff with bespoke training and support.
Leaders provide apprentices with a learning mentor to complement their studies and develop their practice. This all ensures that staff across the nursery provide children with the highest quality of teaching, care and support.Parent partnerships is a real strength of the nursery.
Leaders value the relationship they have with the children's parents and include them fully in every aspect of their child's development. Parents explain how the staff provide early interventions for their children to support them towards each development milestone and ensure any learning delays are swiftly addressed. Staff work closely with parents as two-year-old children transition from the baby department at the sister nursery.
The provider's curriculum is designed to precisely meet the needs of the children and build on their knowledge and skills. For example, they focus on helping two-year-old children to strengthen their mouth muscles for speaking and support clear pronunciation. This leads onto using more complex sentences and vocabulary extension in the pre-school room.
Staff implement the curriculum expertly and children receive continuous extension to their learning. Two-year-old children listen to the sounds as a balloon is blown up and then released. Pre-school children consider why the untied balloon zooms up and then down, while a tied balloon floats down.
Although each child benefits from a dedicated key person, all staff in each room know precisely where each child is in their development. This helps staff to interact with children on an individual basis during their chosen play. As a result, staff expertly weave in opportunities to build on what children already know.
In recognition of the continued impact of the pandemic, staff focus on helping children to develop their communication skills. Leaders have provided staff with additional training to meet children's current language needs. Children engage in daily interventions in small groups and one-to-one support.
Staff follow children's interests which ensures they are highly engaged in their play experiences. For example, children learn about celebrations that are meaningful to them and their friends. Children develop a strong understanding of the world they live in and their local community.
Staff enhance the learning environment with resources that represent children's current fascinations. They ensure that the resources are readily available so that children can use these in their play to practise what they have learnt, such as in literacy and mathematics. Leaders use additional funding to ensure that it precisely benefits the needs of the children it is intended for.
Children develop excellent social skills and play harmoniously together. Pre-school children sustain their interest for extended periods of time on projects that are important to them. For example, they access the vast selection of construction equipment to create buildings and then small towns.
They add records and cylindrical containers to represent structures then create road systems around these. Outdoors, children give meaning to the chalked marks they have made on the floor then work together to wash these away.Leaders ensure that promoting children's health forms a key part of the curriculum and their partnership working with parents.
Children learn about hygiene routines, making healthy choices and enjoy the nutritious food.Leaders and staff ensure that children are safeguarded. They complete rigorous risk assessment to ensure that children can play safely.
All staff are well trained in safeguarding measures so they can be alert to any signs or symptoms that a child is at risk or their families are in need of support. They know the action they should take to report concerns including about the conduct of a colleague. Leaders review their policies and procedures regularly and look at how these can be improved.
For example, when children have a head bump, leaders have introduced a wrist band identification system so that all staff and children's parents are aware that the child needs close monitoring.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
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