Perform Beaconsfield

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About Perform Beaconsfield

Name Perform Beaconsfield
Address St. Michaels Church, St Michaels Green, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, HP9 2BN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Buckinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff are extremely motivated and capture children's interests right from the outset.

Consequently, children feel safe, secure and settle quickly. They demonstrate this as they positively discuss the class rules alongside their peers. For example, they explain the importance of letting staff know if they need to use the toilet facilities.

Staff are excellent role models. They set very clear expectations, which they uphold consistently.Children's emotional well-being is at the heart of everything staff do.

They encourage children to participate in ice breaker games, which supports their growing relationships with o...thers. This builds on children's self-esteem highly effectively and they are confident to join in imaginative games with their peers. For instance, children act out and describe scenes that take them through doors into their own imaginary world.

Their friends listen attentively and all children become engrossed in this stimulating activity. Children are extremely keen to practise their songs, acting and dance moves for their performance on the final day of their class. Staff make effective use of demonstration, modelling and repetition.

This helps to develop children's understanding and they demonstrate excellent singing voices and act out their characters superbly. All children have a great deal of fun at this superb and highly organised class.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff naturally entwine children's developing communication and concentration skills into the experiences they provide.

For example, children focus intently as they warm up their vocal cords in preparation for singing. They hum, sound out letters and pitch their voices high and low as they engage in these captivating activities.Children demonstrate excellent language skills as they recite tongue twisters and sing funny rhymes.

They practise their listening skills, repeat phrases spoken by staff and eagerly repeat them again, missing out vowels. Children enthusiastically design and write postcards for their parents and carers, inviting them to their performance. This helps to ensure continuity in their learning at school.

Children show kindness to others and behave exceptionally well. They recall and discuss the activities they have taken part in at the class and listen to what their friends have to say with genuine interest. Staff consistently praise and encourage children, which boosts their self-esteem highly effectively.

Staff embed children's understanding of healthy life styles during their day. For instance, children name, stretch and pretend to reach for their favourite fruit. They know to drink water to stay hydrated and discuss the many benefits that eating healthy food has on their bodies.

Children show an understanding of risk and the personal safety of others. For instance, they engage in discussions about why they must not share their lunch and snacks with their peers.Staff build on children's skills in diverse ways during the day.

For instance, children understand the importance of warm-up exercises to help prepare their bodies for physical activity. They practise their coordination skills as they balance on one leg and move their other leg in circular movements. Children build on their stamina and express themselves with enthusiasm as they create their own stories through dance.

The provider and area partners regularly monitor the provision to identify the relative strengths and areas for improvement. This helps staff to plan the class very creatively and they successfully and consistently enthuse children.Staff are well qualified and highly experienced serving practitioners in the performing arts industry.

They also have many opportunities to take part in professional development to learn new skills. For example, they have recently attended in-house training to help support children with special educational needs/disabilities. Staff successfully use their skills to nurture children's individual abilities and to ensure all children can reach their full potential.

Staff have excellent relationships with parents. They seek information about children's abilities prior to them starting the class, which means staff can meet their care and welfare needs right from the outset. Parents comment extremely positively about the nurturing and highly animated staff team.

They say that their children's self-esteem, confidence and social skills have grown significantly during their time at the class.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a good awareness of signs and symptoms of potential abuse and neglect, including extreme behaviours.

They know how and when to report concerns they may have to relevant agencies. Staff attend regular training to underpin their knowledge and have opportunities to discuss any developing concerns they may have with the provider. They understand how to refer any issues they may have with the behaviour of adults towards children, in order to promote children's safety.

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