Perform SW19

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About Perform SW19

Name Perform SW19
Address United Reformed Church, Mansel Road, London, Surrey, SW19 4AA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Merton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and excited to attend Perform SW19. They receive a warm welcome from staff and run off eagerly to join in with the activities on offer. Relationships between staff and children are very good and children are motivated and sociable.

Staff sensitively support all children to join in and take part. They recognise each child as an individual. Staff are positive role models for children and have high expectations for their learning and behaviour.

Children are very kind to each other and follow staff's encouraging ways. For example, older children support young children during games and activities and help the...m to understand the rules. Children listen attentively to staff's instructions and requests.

They respond positively to routines and boundaries, to keep themselves and others safe.Children spend most of their time at the club preparing for the performance at the end of the week, but they also take part in physical games and art and craft activities, which they thoroughly enjoy. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, staff have also introduced more games to promote children's confidence and spatial awareness, as they felt this had been negatively impacted on during the lockdown.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff know the children well and have a good understanding of what they want children to learn during their sessions at Perform SW19. They plan daily focus activities, all based around developing children's self esteem, and follow their own curriculum of developing children's confidence, communication, coordination and concentration throughout the week. Staff's main focus is about the skills that children learn while preparing them for their performance at the end of the week.

Staff are incredibly engaging and throughout all activities children are highly interested and involved. For example, children take part in adventure sessions and develop their imaginations as they follow staff who act out the story. Children join in, play games and act out different parts.

They are very excited when they find out what happens next and are given plenty of opportunities to share their ideas and views.Professional development is strong. Staff say they are very well supported and enjoy working at Perform SW19.

They complete induction and tailored training to improve their personal effectiveness and skills and have regular supervisions and meetings with the manager. As a result, staff are suitable to work with children and have a very strong understanding of their role.The manager uses self-evaluation effectively to reflect on the holiday club's strengths and weaknesses.

She includes the views of staff, parents and children in this process. For example, parents complete regular questionnaires and share their ideas, which have contributed to the recent improvements the club has made.Staff have developed good relationships with parents and keep them up to date with what their children are doing during the holiday sessions, through daily discussions and newsletters.

Parents speak highly of the holiday club and say their children have 'fantastic fun' and make lots of friends. They are pleased with how their children have opened up and developed in confidence since attending.Staff give children's good health priority.

They are fully aware of children's different dietary needs and allergies and encourage children to bring in healthy and nutritious snacks and lunches. Children know they must wash their hands before mealtimes and follow good hygiene procedures.Children behave well and demonstrate that their views and ideas are respected and well listened to.

For example, at the beginning of the week, children are given the responsibility to decide on the club rules together and regularly remind each other of these throughout the week.Staff take time to get to know each child. They find out about children's interests and needs as part of the induction process.

The youngest children have a designated key person, who supports their individual needs. Staff are very competent at supporting all children and are proactive in identifying additional support for children if needed.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff have a good understanding of how to protect children from harm. They know how to identify and report their concerns about children to keep them safe. All staff attend regular training, as well as meetings, to ensure that their safeguarding knowledge is kept up to date.

Staff make sure that the setting is safe and well maintained. The management team ensure that all staff are suitable to work with children. Good recruitment and induction procedures help staff to understand their roles in keeping children safe.

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